David Cameron to Teach Politics at Abu Dhabi University: FT

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David Cameron, Britain’s former prime minister, has a new teaching job at a university in Abu Dhabi where he will lecture on “practicing politics and government in the age of disruption,” the Financial Times reported.

The three-week program in January at the New York University Abu Dhabi will involve topics such as the war in Ukraine and the migration crisis in Europe, but it’s not clear if Brexit will be discussed, the report said. The university offers limited-time courses in many places around the world, the FT said.

Cameron was the UK prime minister from 2010 until 2016 when he oversaw the referendum on Britain leaving the European Union. His campaign for the country to remain in the EU failed by 48% to 52%, leading to his resignation.

Since quitting, Cameron has been involved in various initiatives, the FT reported. He signed up for a China-UK investment fund which aimed to raise $1 billion. But cooled relations between the two nations meant the idea never got off the ground, the report said. He also worked at Greensill Capital, the supply-chain finance firm which collapsed in 2021.

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