On This Day, Jan. 3: Howard Carter finds Tut sarcophagus, golden coffin

Howard Carter examines the innermost coffin belonging to Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1925. On January 3, 1924, two years after rediscovering the tomb of King Tut in Egypt, Carter and his workers found the stone sarcophagus that contained the gold coffin and mummy of the boy king. File Photo courtesy of Wikimedia
Howard Carter examines the innermost coffin belonging to Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1925. On January 3, 1924, two years after rediscovering the tomb of King Tut in Egypt, Carter and his workers found the stone sarcophagus that contained the gold coffin and mummy of the boy king. File Photo courtesy of Wikimedia

Jan. 3 (UPI) -- On this date in history:

In 1777, the Continental Army commanded by Gen. George Washington defeated the British at Princeton, N.J.

In 1870, construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, designed by German immigrant John Augustus Roebling, begins.

File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI
File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI

In 1924, two years after rediscovering the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in Egypt, Howard Carter and his workers found the stone sarcophagus that contained the gold coffin and mummy of the boy king. Carter said at the time that he believed that "almost every square yard of floor space contains a king's ransom" in the tomb.

Missy LeHand, secretary to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, sorts through the morning mail at the White House in response to an appeal to donate dimes to fight infantile paralysis as a way of celebrating the president's birthday -- the first "March of Dimes" campaign. The March of Dines was established January 3, 1938. File Photo by Library of Congress

In 1933, Minnie Craig becomes the first female speaker of the North Dakota House of Representatives. Craig was the first woman to hold a speakership in the United States.

In 1938, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the March of Dimes, a non-profit that began with an appeal for dimes to fight polio. After polio was effectively eliminated in the United States, the organization changed its mission to provide health and wellness for moms and babies.

On January 3, 1961, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba after Fidel Castro announced he was a communist and on January 3, 1962, Castro is excommunicated by Pope John XXIII. UPI File Photo
On January 3, 1961, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba after Fidel Castro announced he was a communist and on January 3, 1962, Castro is excommunicated by Pope John XXIII. UPI File Photo

In 1944, USMC fighter ace Pappy Boyington is shot down over the Pacific by Japanese pilot Masajiro Kawato.

In 1959, Alaska became the 49th state of the United States.

On January 3, 1990, deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega left his refuge in the Vatican Embassy in Panama City and surrendered to U.S. troops. File Photo courtesy of EPA
On January 3, 1990, deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega left his refuge in the Vatican Embassy in Panama City and surrendered to U.S. troops. File Photo courtesy of EPA

In 1961, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Cuba after Fidel Castro announced he was a communist.

In 1962, Cuban leader Fidel Castro was excommunicated by Pope John XXIII.

On January 3, 1969, police in Newark, N.J., confiscated a shipment of the John Lennon-Yoko Ono album Two Virgins because the cover photo, featuring full frontal nudity, violated pornography laws. UPI File Photo
On January 3, 1969, police in Newark, N.J., confiscated a shipment of the John Lennon-Yoko Ono album Two Virgins because the cover photo, featuring full frontal nudity, violated pornography laws. UPI File Photo

In 1967, Jack Ruby, who killed Lee Harvey Oswald, the assumed assassin of President John F. Kennedy, died of cancer in Dallas.

In 1969, police in Newark, N.J., confiscated a shipment of the John Lennon-Yoko Ono album Two Virgins because the cover photo, featuring full frontal nudity, violated pornography laws.

Police tackle Jack Ruby after the nightclub owner shot alleged John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas police station on November 24, 1963. On January 3, 1967, Ruby died of cancer in Dallas. Photo by Frank Johnston/UPI
Police tackle Jack Ruby after the nightclub owner shot alleged John F. Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas police station on November 24, 1963. On January 3, 1967, Ruby died of cancer in Dallas. Photo by Frank Johnston/UPI

In 1990, deposed Panamanian dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega left his refuge in the Vatican Embassy in Panama City and surrendered to U.S. troops. He was taken to Florida to face narcotics trafficking charges.

In 1993, U.S. President George H.W. Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin signed the START II treaty reducing strategic nuclear arsenals by two-thirds.

File Photo by Martin Jeong/UPI
File Photo by Martin Jeong/UPI

In 2004, a Flash Airline Boeing 737 crashed shortly after takeoff in Egypt, killing 148 people.

In 2006, Jack Abramoff, a Washington lobbyist, agreed to plead guilty to fraud, public corruption and tax evasion charges, and to testify against politicians and former colleagues.

In 2009, the Genesis block, the first block of the blockchain of the decentralized payment system Bitcoin, was established by Satoshi Nakamoto.

In 2015, the Boko Haram militant group began a series of attacks on the northeastern Nigerian town of Baga lasting five days. Local media said at least 100 people died, though some reports put the death toll closer to 2,000.

In 2020, a U.S. drone strike killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani near Baghdad. The U.S. military accused him of developing plans to attack U.S. diplomats and service members in the Middle East.

In 2022, British-born Sikh Capt. Harpreet Chandi of the British armed forces became the first woman of color to complete a solo expedition of Antarctica.