'Dead in the water' flood defence scheme as residents still wait for solution

FLOODED: A flashback to an incident of flooding at Severn Stoke in 2014 <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
FLOODED: A flashback to an incident of flooding at Severn Stoke in 2014 (Image: Newsquest)

RESIDENTS and businesses plagued by flooding are still waiting for their defences after its construction has been paused again.

Severn Stoke flood defence scheme has been called "dead in the water" after work has stopped again in the village due to costs.

The village's flood defence scheme had been put on hold until this spring because of costs and great crested newts being found near the site on the A38.

FLOODED: Severn Stoke has a long history of being submerged in water. (Image: Environment Agency) However, work still has not started on the site.

Severn Stoke is a village repeatedly hit by flooding year after year, and despite promises of £1.8 million flood defences being installed, the village is still without them.

One resident told the Worcester News that the scheme is "dead in the water," and a business owner admitting that constant flooding is "killing them".

A spokesperson for the Environment Agency said: “We fully realise and sympathise that all flooding issues are devastating and upsetting for all involved.

“At Severn Stoke, we continue to look at ways to deliver a flood risk management scheme working together with the community and with our partners including Worcestershire County Council and Malvern Hills District Council.

Andrew Goodall the owner of the Rose and Crown in Severn Stoke. (Image: Andrew Goodman) “We are in regular contact with the local Flood Action Group and the Parish Council to keep the community informed and updated. The last update was in May 2024.

“We have currently paused earthworks and are working with a local contractor to find a suitable source of materials that is the right specification for the construction of the flood embankment.

“We have always said that the affordability challenge is the key issue to overcome, which is why, despite Severn Stoke’s long history of flooding, a scheme has never been delivered in the past.

"We remain committed to continuing to explore all options and working in partnership with the community.”

Previously, Andrew Goodall, owner of the Rose and Crown in Severn Stoke, said constant flooding from the River Severn is killing the business.

January 2024 marked the third time the pub had flooded in under 12 months.

"As a business, it is killing us as we still have outgoings.

"It is heartbreaking, it really is, and it gets to the point where you're wondering why are we bothering?

"We battle on and will get back open again soon."