Dealer burst bag of powder when being arrested in attempt to get rid of evidence

Kieran Jones was jailed for dealing cocaine and heroin. <i>(Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)</i>
Kieran Jones was jailed for dealing cocaine and heroin. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

A COCAINE and heroin dealer burst a bag of white powder as he was arrested in an attempt to get rid of evidence.

Prosecutor Craig Jones told Swansea Crown Court that police were on patrol on Thomas Parry Way in Haverfordwest on the afternoon of August 3 last year. They spotted Kieran Jones in the company of his co-defendant Samatha Whelton.

Jones darted, but the officers managed to catch up with him and put one handcuff on. However, he resisted and due to his size “proved difficult to restrain”, Mr Jones said.

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The defendant managed to reach in to his pocket and opened a bag dumping a white powder on to the tarmac. The powder was later found to be around 0.211 grams of cocaine.

Whelton, 38, of Heol Derwen in Merlin’s Bridge, came over and attempted to grind the powder in to the ground with her feet.

Jones had approached a white Toyota before running, and when officers searched under the car, they found a bag containing 30 grams of cocaine and 20.8 grams of diamorphine.

An analysis of Jones’ phone found messages showing his involvement in dealing, whilst Whelton’s phone showed she assisted Jones by answering and passing on messages to him.

Jones, who had 34 previous convictions for 58 offences, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cocaine and diamorphine – both Class A drugs – and obstructing a constable in the exercise of their duties.

On the day of trial, Whelton pleaded guilty on a basis that she “assisted her co-defendant in the supply of cocaine” by answering and passing on messages for Jones.

The prosecution accepted that Whelton was only ever in possession of cocaine for personal use by her and her partner.

The court heard that she had two previous convictions for three offences.

Jon Tarrant, representing Jones, said the defendant had spent a significant amount of his adult life in prison.

Mr Tarrant said Jones suffered tragedies in his family, after which “the drugs took hold” of him.

“He has significant regrets about this.”

Mr Tarrant added that Jones apologised for his offending and had said he “will not repeat” this behaviour.

Kieran Jones was jailed for dealing cocaine and heroin. (Image: Dyfed-Powys Police)

David Singh, for Whelton, said: “Ms Whelton recognises that she has been remarkably foolish to involve herself.

“She recognises that involvement has serious consequences for her.”

Mr Singh said Whelton acted as a “full-time carer” for her teenage child who had “health difficulties”, and that there was no-one available to look after them if she was sent to prison.

“She’s been foolish. She’s put the acquisition and dissemination of drugs ahead of her child and her duties as a mother,” Judge Huw Rees said.

“Both of you deserve to go to prison for periods of some length because society simply cannot put up with the damage people like you cause in pedalling drugs of this nature.”

Jones, 26, of Peregrine Close in Haverfordwest, was jailed for a total of 47 months, whilst Whelton was handed a 22-month sentence, suspended for 18 months. She must also complete 180 hours of unpaid work and 30 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

“You deserve to go to prison immediately,” Judge Rees told Whelton. “I’m not convinced there is strong personal mitigation, but I am convinced that immediate custody will result in significant harmful impact to others.”