Dealer found with £30,000 worth of Class A drugs in bag after car he's riding in was stopped by cops

A man was found with more than £30,000 worth of Class A drugs in a bag when he was stopped by police. Tahir Vali was a passenger in the car as it was driving through Leicester’s Howden Road when it was pulled over by cops.

The vehicle containing 33-year-old Vali was stopped by officers from Leicestershire Police’s Roads Policing Unit as part of a planned operation last November. It saw a search undertaken across the whole car and among its occupants as it pulled up in the Aylestone area of the city.

It was during this that police found a carrier bag containing a collection of Class A drugs including heroin, cocaine and crack cocaine. A stash of drug paraphernalia and more than £6,000 in cash was also found as well as personal documents belonging to Vali.

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Experts analysed the Class A mix found in Vali’s bag and estimated that it had a street value of more than £34,000. That led to investigations by neighbourhood officers who ultimately went on to charge Vali with possession and intent to supply.

Vali appeared at Leicester Crown Court earlier this year where he pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of Class A drugs with intent to supply. He reappeared on Tuesday this week (June 6) where he was jailed for six-and-half-years.

The courts also disqualified Vali from driving for 52 months when he is released. This relates to a previous dangerous driving offence.

Speaking after sentencing, a police officer in the case said: “Teamwork from across the force, including from the Roads Policing Unit and neighbourhood officers, led to the proactive arrest, charge and conviction of Vali. Again a drug dealer has been brought before the courts and illegal drugs have been removed from our streets.”

Anyone who has information about drug offending in their area should call Leicestershire Police on 101. Alternatively, report information on the force’s website.

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