Decision on huge housing development in Brigg will be made after site visit as there 'are still some unanswered questions'

Part of the site that could see 290 homes on land off Wrawby Road, Brigg
Part of the site that could see 290 homes on land off Wrawby Road, Brigg -Credit:Donna Clifford/GrimsbyLive

Proposals for a 290-home development in Brigg will be decided on after a site visit.

North Lincolnshire Council's planning committee opted by a majority to go visit land off Wrawby Road, before reaching a decision on the plans. Bellway Homes have put forward the scheme and the land is allocated for housing.

However, the applicant has submitted for the waiving of approximately £3.3m S106 contributions to community infrastructure on viability grounds, including £2.5m for education. It has also submitted to waive the requirement for 58 homes to be affordable housing.

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This has been, in principle, agreed to by council officers, with the condition of viability reviews on the occupation of the hundredth and two hundredth homes. An agent for the applicant said it was "disappointing" to not be able to deliver the S106 contributions.

A submitted independent viability report concludes the site has negative land value, even when the £3.3m S106 and 58 affordable homes requirements are removed. A developer profit of 18 per cent gross development value, or £12.5m, is allocated for in the independent report.

The site's housing mix had been amended to include more smaller homes during the application process and the design was too to match the appearance of existing Brigg homes, the agent added. The 290 homes would comprise 39 two-bed, 121 three-bed and 130 four-bed homes, and is the first half of a major development. Outline permission has been sought for another 266 homes.

"We look forward to make a start on site as soon as possible," the agent said. That could be this year, subject to the S106 agreement conclusion.

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"There are still some unanswered questions," said Cllr Rob Waltham, who spoke on behalf of himself and fellow Brigg and Wolds Cllr Carl Sherwood. He expressed concerns about the surface water drainage, and said a judgment had to be made on whether the proposed access road was in the right place. He did not believe it was.

He called for a site visit, and pointed out the significant growth in the size of Brigg it would create. "This is about a 10 per cent increase in the total housing stock in the town, so it's not a small proportion."

"Any development of this scale warrants us as a committee to go and have a look at the site," said Cllr John Davison. He noted the 25 letters of objection and Wrawby Parish Council's opposition.

Cllr Max Bell wanted to reject it at the meeting and did not think a visit to the site was worthwhile. Cllr Bell also called it "a disgrace" to not deliver a S106 contribution with the proportion of new Brigg housing that would be built.

A site visit was agreed by the majority Conservative councillors, with Labour planning members opposed.