When decision will be made on 20 speed hump plan for 500 yards of main Nuneaton road

A decision will be made on whether 20 speed humps will be installed along a 500-yard stretch of a main road in Nuneaton in just a matter of weeks. Warwickshire County Council previously revealed proposals to install eight sets of speed cushions on a 500-yard stretch of Croft Road, between the junctions with The Raywoods and Greenmoor Road.

A public consultation was held into the plans for the speed humps and it is understood that it led to a number of comments as well as objections. CoventryLive contacted the county council for an update on the plan and asked when a final decision will be made.

"A decision is estimated to be made in early June," a spokesperson for the county council said.

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Previously the local authority explained that the number of Personal Injury Collisions (PICs) along the stretch of road has exceeded the threshold for preventative measures to be installed. We asked county council for the statistics for the area and the local authority only provided figures for the whole of Croft Road, not the 500-yard stretch where the speed humps will be located.

It says there have been twenty-four Personal Injury Collisions (PICs) recorded resulting in thirty-three casualties in a five-year period. But, according to website CrashMap UK, which uses data published by the Department for Transport from police forces, there have been nine slight injury accidents between 2018 and 2022, which are indicated in yellow.

According to the map, there was has been one serious accident, coloured in red, in June 2021 just after the junction with North Street.

The county council insists that it is 'important to take a wider approach of the situation, rather than just this section of straight road.'

If given the go-ahead, the speed humps will be installed in the following areas:

Site Location 1 – Outside 182 Croft Road - 3 speed cushions Site Location 2 – Outside 168 Croft Road - 3 speed cushions Site Location 3 – Outside 150 Croft Road - 3 speed cushions Site Location 4 – Outside 136 Croft Road - 3 speed cushions Site Location 5 – Outside 108 Croft Road - 2 speed cushions Site Location 6 – Outside 92 Croft Road. - 2 speed cushions Site Location 7 – Outside 70 Croft Road - 2 speed cushions Site Location 8 – Outside 36 Croft Road. - 2 speed cushions

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