Decision made on hugely controversial vast warehousing scheme

A decision on whether to approve a hugely controversial warehousing scheme has left councillors torn and residents disappointed. Blaby District Council’s planning committee met last night to debate the second iteration of the Enderby Logistics Hub scheme.

Despite impassioned statements from councillors for the area and campaigners against the hub, and thousands of objections from residents, the committee voted five versus four to approve the scheme. This stands in stark contrast to the last debate on the scheme which saw most councillors fly in the face of advice from their own planning officers and reject an earlier version of the scheme.

Developers Drummond Estate and Invernock Trust appealed that decision earlier this year, submitting to the Government’s planning inspector a scathing assessment of why they believed the committee was wrong to make that decision. LeicestershireLive asked the developers whether they intended to continue with their appeal given last night’s decision. We were told a decision had not yet been made. The first application, which was submitted in 2019 but had been on the cards for around a decade, would have seen four large logistics warehouses and a training centre built on the site next to the Enderby Park and Ride, off St Johns. The new plan no longer includes the training centre, but instead plans for three general industrial buildings in addition to the original four.

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Vehicle access to the site will be from Leicester Lane, with a new road leading into the development opposite the junction with Smith Way. Traffic lights would be installed. A pedestrian and cycling route into the site would be created from St Johns (the B4114) as well. The applicants are also proposing upgrades to nearby roads, including traffic lights at Meridian South Roundabout, contributions towards improving Lubbesthorpe Way and towards the Desford Crossroads scheme.

Last night’s decision comes as a blow to those who have spent years fighting against it due to fears it would clog up their roads, disturb their peace and concrete over the last remaining green space between Enderby and the city. A petition by campaign group Snub the Hub gained more than 753 signatures in the months between the second application being submitted and last night’s meeting.

Some 2,699 comments were also filed on the plan, all but 30 of which were objections. Speaking at last night’s meeting, a spokeswoman for the group said: “[Policy states developments] should enable healthy lifestyles and access to free community open spaces with encouragement for walking and cycling. A logistics site of 15 metre high warehouses, tarmac, vehicle fumes and noise does not follow these policy plans. The development does not enhance or protect this area.

“The daily increase of an additional 250 HGVs, up to 1,000 vans, as well as 1,164 workers’ car spaces on site can only increase the congestion. There were 12 significant closures in 2023 of both the M1 junction 21 and M69 junction two. This year alone, there have been nine, as well as regular daily congestion issues that cause volume gridlock to the B4114 and all associated roads.”

She added: “The proposal does not meet current needs. Within 12 miles of Enderby, of the 66 warehouses considered, 27 were empty. That's 40 per cent within close proximity. There is no proven need or evidence for this type of development.”

Local residents rallied together to oppose the updated plan for a new logistics hub in Enderby
Local residents rallied together to oppose the updated plan for a new logistics hub in Enderby -Credit:Sandra Stevens / Snub The Hub

Councillors’ debate centred around the impacts on the local roads, air quality, noise concerns and the need for more warehousing. They were assured by officers that robust monitoring had taken place on the road network and, with the improvements proposed for the local highways network, the impact would be minimal.

Councillors also questioned them on what was being done to protect smaller roads in the area. Officers said: “We can't obviously stop HGVs routing down Leicester Lane or the B4114.

“However, within that industrial sector, they do have transport planners and people who will do the routing for them prior to them coming to the industrial sites. While we can't say categorically, it's very unlikely that the HGVs would be planned to be routed down one of the [smaller] roads, especially when you think that their aim is to get on the strategic road network, so they would be looking for the shortest route to get there.”

In terms of the need for new warehousing, the committee was told the district had not yet filled its quota of new employment land required to meet need locally. The land has long been earmarked for that use, they added, most recently in 2019 when the current local plan – a document which sets out where developments can take place in the district to protect communities from uncontrolled building – was completed.

Martin Ward, on behalf of The Drummond Estate, said: “As soon as the Hub 2 (the second application) permission is released, a decision will be taken regarding the Hub 1 (the first application) appeal, subject to discussions with the Council and the Planning Inspectorate. We look forward to progressing this exciting development which will deliver thousands of new jobs and boost the local economy.”

Ben Grinnall of Landchain Ltd, which has been working with the developers on the scheme, said: “We are delighted that it has been resolved to grant planning consent on this allocated employment site, which will go towards meeting the employment needs of Blaby. The site was chosen as it is the most sustainable location in the borough and since the allocation, we have worked with Blaby Planning Department to deliver an approval for an exemplary scheme with no statutory objections.”

Responding to the news online, members of the Snub the Hub group said it was a "very sad day for Enderby", adding they felt "let down". The application was for outline permission only, meaning the scheme has been approved in principle. The precise details still need to be submitted to and approved by the council.

Jonathan Hodge, group manager of planning and strategic growth at Blaby District Council, said: “While committee members acknowledged the strength of feeling from some in the community, they ultimately agreed with officers that, as part of our adopted Local Plan, the scheme should be approved. We will continue to work with the applicant to ensure the community is consulted on more detailed plans for the site.”