Delivery driver pulled over with 'empty beer bottles' in van

Delivery driver pulled over with 'empty beer bottles' in van <i>(Image: Poole Police)</i>
Delivery driver pulled over with 'empty beer bottles' in van (Image: Poole Police)

A DELIVERY driver ‘reversed into a parked car’ before being caught with ‘empty bottles of beer’ in his van.

PC Ash and PCSO Matt from the Poole Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) were out on patrol in Ashley Road when they first noticed the delivery vehicle.

The delivery driver reversed into a parked vehicle ‘right in front of their eyes’, and failed to notice the collision because his ‘music was so loud’.

When officers stopped the driver for routine checks, PCSO Matt spotted ‘several empty bottles of beer through the window of the van’.

The driver was asked complete a roadside breath test, which he failed.

He was arrested under Section 5 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 - driving or being in charge with alcohol concentration above prescribed limit.

Whilst in custody, two further tests were carried out and he was still over the limit.

He was then charged.

In a Facebook post by Poole Police on Monday, PCSO Matt said: “Thank you to the public for their patience whilst we dealt with this incident, which caused slight traffic disruption.

"Those missing parcels, this might explain why.

"If you suspect someone to be drunk in charge of a vehicle, dial 999 immediately. You could save lives."