'Denmark is waging psychological war': Trauma for Syrian refugees facing controversial deportation

Asmaa & Omar al-Natoor
Asmaa & Omar al-Natoor

Asmaa al-Natoor never thought she would be comparing her adopted homeland of Denmark to her native Syria from which she fled.

"He kills us with missiles directly," she says of Syria's president Bashar Al-Assad.

"But the Danish government is waging a psychological war.”

Ms al-Natoor is one of dozens of Syrian refugees who have been told their temporary residency in the seemingly progressive haven of Denmark has been revoked.

Denmark ruled Syria safe for return last month, the first country in Europe to do so.

Ms al-Natoor was encouraged to speak up after a fellow Syrian refugee, 61-year-old Akram Bathish, died of a heart attack just weeks after receiving notice from the immigration services.

Two policemen looking at the documents of some immigrants, who are sitting on the street
Two policemen looking at the documents of some immigrants, who are sitting on the street

His case has mobilised a desperate community who say the threat of deportation is forcing many to relive the trauma of civil war. The letter was “instrumental” in his death, say family members of the former detainee of Assad’s notorious prisons.

Ms al-Natoor says her own husband has recently had a stroke in the face of deportation. "I don’t know what’s going to happen if we get deported. Why would they open their doors and now close them in our faces after seven years?”

Denmark's unusual decision to send refugees home is seen by many as part of a rising trend of "immigrant-bashing" in Danish politics, which has been heavily influenced by the populist Danish People's Party in recent years.

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen promised to aim for 'zero' asylum seekers applying for residence in the country. Germany has ruled that criminals can be deported to Syria but Denmark is the first European country to say that ordinary refugees can be sent back.

“Syria is not a safe place and the fear many Syrians will now be experiencing that they may be forced to return to that country is dreadful,” said Steve Valdez-Symonds, Refugee and Migrants Director at Amnesty International UK.

Despite deeming Damascus to be safe, Denmark cannot forcibly return refugees while they do not have diplomatic relations with the Assad regime.

Asmaa & Omar al-Natoor
Asmaa & Omar al-Natoor

Instead, the government is offering thousands of Euros for a 'voluntary return' to an authoritarian regime. Those who refuse are faced with a stark choice: live in Denmark illegally, hoping not to get picked up by the authorities; or languish in limbo in a deportation centre indefinitely.

The Danish government has been accused of aggressively pursuing those identified for a return to their homeland. One letter sent to the refugees, seen by The Telegraph, says: “If you do not travel out of Denmark voluntarily, you can be sent to Syria.”

There is no mention that the government lacks the means to force them to leave, or the appeals process. All 94 cases so far have the right to appeal.

The Telegraph has also reviewed a letter from the immigration services to one 18-year-old refugee, whose name has not been published for security reasons, telling him that his residency permit would not be renewed despite his father having personal conflicts with the regime before they fled.

He also told immigration services that he is now of conscription age for Assad’s military, he fears abduction for fleeing to the West and the Islamic State Group as his father is Christian.

What is more, he has built a life in Denmark over five years, speaks fluent Danish, has a job and is a year away from finishing high school; his parents, sister and several other family members live in the country.

On each of these factors, the Danes denied giving the boy who fled Damascus with his family when he was nine, protection.

“It is only your own presumption that you risk abduction on a return to Syria,” the letter read.

“All of my dreams have just broken down, again. It’s like we’re living in a black hole,” the young man said in an interview with The Telegraph. He is due to graduate from high school next year and wants to apply to study medicine at university.

“I am 18, if I go back I think they will make me go into the military and I don’t want to do that, I just don’t want to kill any people,” he said.

“The Danish government has made no secret of its determination to rid the country of asylum seekers, an objective that would violate its obligations under international refugee law,” said Dr Jeffery Crisp, a refugee expert at the University of Oxford.

“In this particular case, the implementation of the policy would entail the deportation of a young man who has been granted refugee status, who has grown up and been educated in Denmark, and who would certainly be at risk of detention and other human rights violations by the brutal Assad regime. As Denmark does not have an embassy in Damascus, it would also be impossible for his safety to be monitored should he be returned.”

Denmark's Refugee Appeals Board decided in December 2019 that conditions were no longer sufficiently dangerous to give grounds for blanket temporary protection of all refugees from Damascus, unless there are additional reasons for asylum, such as defection from the military.

But at the same time they ruled that the regime’s assessment of who poses a threat to national security is “characterised by arbitrariness and unpredictability”, suggesting that the board should “exercise caution” when deciding who is no longer eligible to stay in the country and under any reasonably justified doubt rule on the side of the applicant.

Suhail al Ghazi, a non-resident fellow at the Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy, who was interviewed by the Danish immigration service for the Damascus report, told The Telegraph: “There are still arrests, there are still forced disappearances, there is still torture and there is still death under torture for civilians, families and former opposition members."

The Telegraph reached out to the Danish Immigration Services for comment on the case of the 18-year-old, whose case seems to not follow their own guidance on caution, but did not receive a response.