Devastated daughter still waiting for answers 716 days after dad's death

A grieving daughter is still waiting for answers regarding her dad's death - 716 days after he passed away. Craig Pointon, from Sneyd Green, had worked for Stoke-on-Trent City Council for 30 years when he was struck by a colleague's vehicle and killed on Canal Lane, in Longport, in a 'freak accident' on May 30, 2022.

Staffordshire Police launched an investigation following the 50-year-old's death and have prepared a report for the coroner. But a pre-inquest review was yesterday further adjourned until a hearing on July 30.

Daughter Keeley Pointon attended yesterday's hearing at Stoke Civic Centre.

READ: Devastated daughter's daily flashbacks as dad killed at work - Craig Pointon was working for Stoke-on-Trent City Council when tragedy struck

READ: Grieving son leads tributes to council driver dad, 50, killed at work - An inquest is still to be held into the death of Stoke-on-Trent City Council worker Craig Pointon, from Sneyd Green

The 31-year-old, from Sneyd Green, said: “I’m unhappy that it has taken this long and we are still none the wiser almost two years later. I was told I couldn’t see my dad at the chapel because his injuries were so severe and we were told we were the first family in 29 years to not be allowed to see someone in the chapel. We’ve had nothing but heartache.”

North Staffordshire area coroner Emma Serrano is to call in a jury to hear Craig's case. She has set a deadline of June 11 to receive all reports and statements relating to Craig's death.

Ms Serrano said: "I must call a jury because of the fact that the person was at work when the road traffic collision took place, it therefore requires a jury.”

She added: “I don’t have any report from Stoke-on-Trent City Council and I expect one from somebody who is sufficiently senior from the authority. I understand there is CCTV of some of the incident. I wouldn’t play this in court but I would require a statement of what is shown in the video.”

The Health and Safety Executive is not investigating Craig's death.

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