How developers behind major Cambs airfield housing scheme hope to build community

Developers working on a major new housing development say they want people moving into their new homes to feel they have roots in the area. The Alconbury Weald master developers, Urban and Civic, have shared what they are trying to build a ‘resilient’ community, including through connecting people to the history of the site.

Around 6,500 new homes are due to be built on a former airfield at Alconbury. Developers also plan to create a country park, as well as building new schools, shops, play areas, and potentially a new railway station. Some new build developments have faced criticisms over the lack of facilities available as people begin moving into the newly built homes.

Rebecca Britton, regional director of communities, communications and partnerships at Urban and Civic, said these concerns were something they were aware of and wanted to prevent being the case at Alconbury Weald. She explained how they had tried to make sure there were things in place for people at Alconbury Weald at whatever stage people moved into the development.

Read more: New railway station could be added to major Cambridgeshire development

Read more: Inside the Cold War nuclear bunker at a major Cambridgeshire housing development

She said: “I use the analogy of a battenburg cake, each slice has all the sections, for example homes and green spaces, so whether you move in, in year five or 50 you have got everything you need. It is really hard to do that and we have to work really hard to try and do that. You can see other developments in other locations cannot manage that as they do not have an overall body.”

Ms Britton gave an example of how the developers subsidised the opening of a shop early on to ensure there was a store on site before bigger brands were prepared to open up. The developers also explained they had designed the physical space in some parts of the development to encourage people to meet. One example was the plaza created outside of the primary school where the developers said children and parents are able to gather and spend time after school.

A dedicated member of staff is also employed by the developers to help organise community events and groups. Natalie Leigh-Brown runs the community development for Alconbury Weald. She has organised beer and food festivals, as well as heritage walks for people to learn about the history of the former airfield the new homes are being built on.

Ms Britton said connecting people moving into the development with the history of the site was an important thing the developers were trying to do to help people “set down roots”. She said: “It is important to look at the history so the new community connects and has roots to the place around them.

“This is one of our big responsibilities, because we are conscious this is a new community. In most normal places communities evolve over 100’s of years, families have lived there for a long time, and the community has resilience to it. We have to build in that resilience and one of the ways to do that is giving people common things to care about and get involved in. History is important for all sorts of reasons, but it can also help to build a community up.”

The developers explained how they are trying to incorporate the history of the site across the whole development, including turning the airfield's former runway and taxi lanes into linear parks. A dedicated heritage area is also planned to be created at a later date, where some of the airfield’s old hangars will be converted in some way to highlight the history of the land.