Devon college campus to be turned into shop

Planning permission has been granted to change a Petroc College campus at Roundswell in Barnstaple into a shop after it was deemed surplus to requirements.

Property company JGST Properties Ltd, which is in the process of purchasing the site from Petroc, applied to North Devon Council for a change of use from an education centre to a shop at the Brannams Campus, which was for creative and construction studies.

Petroc announced last summer that it was offering the site for sale after relocating its creative industries programme, including music, performing arts, creative media and arts, as well as the construction provision to its main campus at Sticklepath Hill, Barnstaple.


It said the money from the sale of the premises would be reinvested into its other facilities and it was reducing its carbon footprint by having everything on one site.

The new owners will have to apply for further planning permission if they want to make any changes to the building, landscaping or car parking.

The site currently has spaces for 100 cars.

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