Devon County Show: Equine stunt display set to wow crowds

Professional trainer Ben Atkinson and his troupe of Atkinson Action Horses are set to perform across all three days of the 2024 Devon County Show
Professional trainer Ben Atkinson and his troupe of Atkinson Action Horses are set to perform across all three days of the 2024 Devon County Show -Credit:Atkinson Action Horses

A captivating display of horsepower and unbridled trust will be the main arena headliner at the 2024 Devon County Show.

Professional trainer Ben Atkinson and his troupe of Atkinson Action Horses are set to perform across all three days of the event, taking place at Westpoint Exeter from May 16-18.

Based in the heart of Yorkshire, the family-run business has made a name for itself over the last 25 years by providing highly-trained horses and riders for television and film, photo shoots and live events.

Boasting an impressive track record, their on-screen credits include All Creatures Great and Small, Emmerdale, Peaky Blinders, Poldark and The King’s Speech starring Colin Firth as the future King George VI who tries to overcome his stammering problem.

Alongside his father Mark, who originally diversified from dairy farming into equestrian when opening Asselby Grange Livery Yard and Riding School in 1996, Ben excels in the art of performing in front of a live audience. Since his first Roman riding - standing on top of two horses driven as a pair - at the age of 11, Ben has gone on to build his own experienced show team and has performed at some of the biggest events in the UK, including the prestigious Horse of the Year Show (HOYS) in Birmingham.

Ben also performs internationally and has trained horses in Dubai, and has even horse-mastered on Bollywood film sets in India.

Lisa Moore, manager of the Devon County Show, urged visitors not to miss this “astonishing display”, adding: “Horses and riders will work in seamless harmony, pushing the boundaries of connection between horse and rider to its absolute limits and showcasing some of the most advanced equestrian techniques in power and grace including liberty, classical dressage, airs above the ground and cossack trick riding in each 45-minute show.”

Scurry racing, a fast and furiously paced equestrian sport in which a pair of ponies pull a carriage around a course of cones in an attempt to achieve the fastest time, is another exhilarating feature on this year’s Devon County Show main arena timetable.

Lisa added: “Always a crowd favourite, this event which will be performed on each day of Devon County Show, is a nail-biting qualifier for the 2024 Horse of the Year Show in the autumn.”

On Saturday, a different kind of horsepower will rev up the crowds as Jamie Squibb and his freestyle motocross team put on a morning and afternoon performance. Each display, which lasts half an hour, promises to be a white-knuckle ride as extraordinary jumps and stunts are performed in mid-air.

Lisa said: “The whole show is choreographed to pulsating music, which combined with the revving of the bikes is sure to get your hearts beating and your pulses racing.”

For further details of Devon County Show and to book early bird discounted tickets, visit the website