Devon police call out 'shocking behaviour' from motorcyclists

Devon and Cornwall Police have highlighted 'shocking behaviour' from bikers -Credit:Devon and Cornwall Police roads policing team
Devon and Cornwall Police have highlighted 'shocking behaviour' from bikers -Credit:Devon and Cornwall Police roads policing team

Police say they have seen “shocking behaviour” from bikers on Devon roads after clocking a motorcycle speeding at more than 95mph in a 50mph zone. The force’s roads policing team highlighted incidents of speeding and undertaking and even one where a motorcyclist tried to kick a car while passing it on the left.

The force took to social media to call out what it described as “shocking” and “foolish” behaviour. In a post on X today the road policing team said one biker had been clocked at more than 95mph in Devon, zipping past the Crealy Theme Park and Resort, near Exeter.

The force said: “More motorcyclists doing foolish things. One travelling at 95+ in a 50mph limit (past Crealy). Another undertaking multiple times on a dual carriageway at speed, as well as trying to kick a car whilst undertaking it at over 60mph. Shocking behaviour.”

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What are the five main causes of road deaths?

  • Speeding

  • Not wearing a seatbelt

  • Driving while using a mobile phone

  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

  • Careless or inconsiderate driving