DHS launches 12th annual HALO Week

Feb. 22—High school students will unlock their motivation and passion to benefit four local recipients over the next week.

Duncan High School's 12th annual Week of Philanthropy is in full force for the Duncan Demons, with daily events and fundraising as students participating in HALO — Helpful Attitude Leading Others — raise money to help local beneficiaries. Those include Beautiful Day Foundation, Kindred Community, Duncan High School Special Olympics, Pitt Hopkins Foundation and DHS student Dylan Harty.

Student Council President Callen Villagrana said HALO Week means a lot to her and the other students, because it is more than just a fundraising period.

"It is a special time when students and the community can show our unity and compassion," she said. "Not only are we helping people in need from Duncan, we are also providing fun, memorable events for anyone and everyone who would like to participate."

Villagrana said it is encouraging to see everyone come together and give back.

"HALO Week has shown me that even the smallest acts of kindness makes a big impact in the lives of others," she said. "I am so grateful to have the opportunity to participate in this amazing event."

Villagrana said one recipient the council chose will benefit both kids and widows.

Beautiful Day celebrates kids by orchestrating monthly birthday parties in elementary schools, and Kindred Community supports widows through building connections with others who share similar grief.

Villagrana said the DHS Special Olympics team travels to out-of-town games and state games in Stillwater. She said the athletes work each day to meet new goals.

"They love having the opportunity to compete in athletic events just like any other student," she said. "Having the chance to compete in the Special Olympics has a lasting impact on the athletes, their partners and coaches [and] the life lessons, memories, bonds and smiles are priceless."

Villagrana said for the third choice, the council decided to raise money for the Pitt Hopkins Foundation.

"Traci Green, a DHS graduate, advocates for the foundation as her son battles Pitt-Hopkins Syndrome," she said. "The Pitt Hopkins Research Foundation aims to fund a Microbiota Transfer Therapy clinical trial, crucial for individuals like Ashton who have shown remarkable improvements."

Villagrana said the students also decided to help DHS student Dylan Harty. She said Harty's life was changed Oct. 20, 2023, when his vehicle ran into a wild hog and hit a concrete bridge.

Over the next month, Villagrana said, Harty had to make the decision to amputate his crushed foot.

"In all, he had six surgeries and is now a below-the-knee amputee," she said. "Despite all of this trauma, he has maintained a positive spirit and works hard every day to get stronger."

Student Council Adviser Toni Howard said this is her first year in that capacity, and it's a rewarding and humbling experience for her to watch students accomplish their goals.

"I believe the students who are involved in the fundraising, planning and implementation learn what it means to truly give back to the community and have that true feeling of self-worth," she said.

She said the officers and chairmen begin to plan for HALO Week over the summer.

"They are in charge of creating and organizing each event," she said. "It's been so fun to watch them grow through this process and become true leaders."

Howard said she loves to watch all the students come together for each recipient.

"Many times young adults tend to get a bad reputation for lack of caring for others and being selfish, but watching our student body come out and participate in events and work together, as one for the good of others, proves we have some of the best young adults around," she said.

HALO Chair Rilee Kreutz said she's excited to showcase the community's hard work in March.

"With just moving to Duncan my sophomore year, seeing this community come together for so many great causes is so fulfilling," she said.

Leading up to HALO Week, several events and fundraisers will take place. Patrons can support HALO by eating at Su Shilito Mexican Japanese Restaurant Feb. 22.

Next week events and fundraisers include: — Feb. 26: Movie night at The Palace at 7 p.m., Don Jose and The Merchant Gelato Shop. — Feb. 27: Nostalgic Game Night Refinery, 7-9 p.m., DYO Pizza and Simply Nutrition. — Feb. 28: Hypnotist Show at DHS Gym at 10 a.m. and Johnny's. — Feb. 29: Bingo Night from 6-8 p.m. at DHS Commons, Cafeteria and La Fiesta. — March 1: Silent Disco at New Hope Refinery, 6-8 p.m. and Special Days Cakes.

The HALO reveal assembly will take place at 12:30 p.m. Monday, March 4 at the DHS Gymnasium.

HALO will post updates on Instagram a @halo.week, as well as on Facebook at DHS Halo Week.

Those wanting to donate to HALO Week can donate online at www.myschoolbucks.com or drop donations off at Duncan High School. All donations are tax-deductible.