Disabled schoolgirl scales Arthur's Seat thanks to help from hero rugby players

A Scots girl who is a wheelchair user has spent years longingly watching climbers take on Arthur’s Seat from her front door, wishing she could summit the hill, has seen her wish come true, thanks to help from ‘hero’ rugby teams.

10-year-old Oona Dooks, from Edinburgh, was born with an undiagnosed condition, leaving her needing the help of a wheelchair.

However, that hasn’t stopped her from hoping one day she’d join the other walkers making it to the top of Arthur’s Seat.

Despite the efforts of parents Chris and Eleanor to carry Oona up, they were unable to make it to the top. So when Oona told her mum she was determined to make it, Eleanor posted on social media to enlist the help of others to make her dreams come true.

In a heartwarming turn, the request was quickly met with offers of help from rugby clubs Edinburgh Giants and Edinburgh Eagles, while Paradventures and GM4X All Terrain Wheelchairs Bike & Services made sure they had the equipment they needed.

After a year of planning, Oona and the team finally reached the top of Arthur’s Seat, on Sunday May 19, after an incredibly emotional climb.

Mum Eleanor told the Record: "It was just an amazing thing for the community to do. They had to pull her up in the wheelchair by ropes for the last part.

"We were trailing behind with the dog but when they got to the top all we could hear was people cheering!

"It was very special - people from loads of different countries were coming up to speak to us. It was lovely and very moving.

"Oona just had the biggest smile you've ever seen on her face. She told the group that they were her heroes.

"I told myself I would never go to the top without her and so it was very special for me too.

"Oorna has looked at Arthur's Seat every day. It's the most inaccessible thing to do in Edinburgh but she doesn't seem to have much fear and will just do what she puts her mind to.

"They've made her dreams come true, they're just amazing people and incredibly strong! We won't forget it."

Edinburgh Giants said they have been "awe" of Oona's character ever since she came and presented the ball at their first match in the Wheelchair Rugby League in May 2023 and making her dreams come true was "a life-changing experience for everyone".

The P5 pupil who competes as a para-swimmer for Team Lothian Racers has never let her mobility hold her back from what she wants to achieve in life.

Mickey Mair, from Edinburgh Eagles, who pulled up Oona in the final scramble to sit on the landmark, added: "It was very quite emotional for everyone when we got to the top. I already felt quite overwhelmed as we'd been planning it for some time but then everyone just erupted when we made it to the top, it was the icing on the cake.

"Oona is just so full of life, she doesn't let her disability hold her back. We knew how much this meant to her and to be part of that experience with her was very special.

"It was very unpredictable and bumpy terrain but we stuck at it and it took us two hours to make it. I'm very sore today but it was worth seeing that smile on Oona's face. Who knows what she'll achieve next!"

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