Disgraced former NHS surgeon pictured treating baby as Scots victims wait for justice

Shamed neurosurgeon Sam Eljamel has been treating babies and ­children after fleeing Scotland – where he faces a criminal probe over 100 botched operations.

There are at least 172 patients who were victims of his surgeries and 100 of them have filed complaints with Police Scotland.

But despite this, Eljamel continues to work as a neurosurgeon in his native Libya where he operates on kids.

Last night one of his Scots victims said seeing a photo of him examining a baby made him “sick to my stomach”.

The shot of Eljamel looming over a young baby will horrify those who were operated on by the “brain butcher”.

It recently appeared on the Facebook page of a medical facility where Eljamel works in the African country.

Alongside the photo was another, from April 13, of Eljamel “implanting a fluid drain device-shunt” into the head of a child of about six.

Photos show him working at the Al Nahada Hospital in Misrata – where he also claims to be a cancer specialist.

Eljamel’s snap also appears on social media for the Al Hikma and Al Jazeera International hospitals in Misrata.

Pat Kelly, 64, was one of the first Scots patients to report Eljamel’s actions.

The former DJ, from Dundee, has been left in constant pain after a failed operation in 2007 by Eljamel to shave or remove discs in his spine.

Last night Pat said: “I have a grandson and the thought of someone like him ­examining or operating on him would disgust me.

“It breaks my heart at the thought of it. I was shocked when I saw this photo because the baby’s parents don’t realise it is in the hands of a maniac. I get so scared for these people over there because he is a very, very dangerous man and so unpredictable.

“They probably don’t know what he’s capable of doing and what he has done.”

Eljamel branching out into oncology – cancer treatment – also alarmed Pat. He said: “He’ll try anything. He believes he is an expert in everything and who will tell him ­otherwise in Libya? This man believes he can walk on water when it comes to ­medicine.

“He thinks he can do what he pleases in any area of the body. This man is so evil, so wicked and I just feel so sad he can get away with still working while we are all ­struggling with our health and on medication for the rest of our lives.

“Last night I was really bad, I couldn’t feel my leg and had to get help from my wife to get to the bathroom. It is so galling. Four different ­hospitals are advertising this butcher on their websites, helping him to make a tidy living.”

Eljamel took himself off the GMC register so he can no longer work in the UK but by doing so ­voluntarily, it freed him to work elsewhere in the world.

Eljamel was employed at NHS Tayside from 1995 until his suspension after complaints from dozens of patients that he botched their operations. He also worked in private practice.

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