Disgraced teacher Rebecca Joynes made desperate moves to cover her tracks

Rebecca Joynes
-Credit: (Image: Steve Allen)

Predatory maths teacher Rebecca Joynes tried to hide her actions when she realised the authorities were closing in on her. The 30-year-old from Thingwall in Wirral, who had sexual relations with two teenage boys, was sentenced to six and a half years behind bars today.

A court heard that Joynes took the virginity of a 16-year-old student, referred to as Boy B, while already on bail and suspended from her 'dream' job for alleged sexual activity with another 15 year old boy, Boy A.

Joynes confessed that she started messaging Boy A via Snapchat in October 2021 and gifted him a £345 Gucci belt. She also admitted to inviting him back to her Salford Quays flat where he spent the night - but denied the prosecution's allegations that they had sex.

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Boy A told Manchester Crown Court that he initially thought Joynes was joking when she invited him back to her flat after a luxury shopping trip. He remembered Joynes warning him 'no one better find out' multiple times, leaving him feeling 'pretty confused', reports the Mirror.

Joynes' crimes began to surface when Boy A confided in friends about the incident, leading to a report being made to Childline. The following Monday, authorities removed Boy A from class and Joynes started panicking... Desperately, she sought the help of Boy B, who was only 15 at the time, to assist her in erasing her phone's contents.

An official investigation into Joynes was initiated in October 2021, and even after her arrest, stringent bail conditions were prescribed prohibiting unsupervised interactions with individuals under 18.

While suspended from her role at the Greater Manchester school, Joynes joined the staff at her family's cafe in Heswall. However, within a few months, she was again in communication with Boy B, her former pupil.

In one text message, she professed to him: "Every inch of you is perfect and you are all I ever dream about."

According to Boy B, their sexual involvement began when he was just 15, starting with kissing, and proceeded to full sex when he turned 16 while still attending school.

Joynes argued that her relationship with Boy B developed during her suspension and turned sexual after her termination and his school exit at the age of 16, thereby suggesting no crime had been committed. As the relationship took a turn for the worse, Boy B told law enforcement officials that Joynes, perceived as controlling, requested access to his location details and Snapchat password.

He said: "I wanted to end it. I think she was emotionally abusing me. It was mental warfare for me. I now know it was weird the whole time. I did love her to be honest. She said she loved me and all that stuff. Every time I tried to end it she would blackmail me. It was just torture to be honest."

Despite Joynes' desperate attempts to erase her trail by performing a factory reset on her phone, savvy police managed to recover the messages after getting in touch with her network provider. The recovered texts revealed a slew of flirtatious exchanges, including ones where Boy A complimented her looks and admitted to being 'too distracted' during lessons.

The court was told how she made light-hearted comments about involving another pupil, to which Boy A insisted he should be "the only one."

Joynes agreed, replying: "Obviously it's only you."

Boy A then said: "As it should be. Best student by far."

Following the trial, Jane Wilson, Senior Crown Prosecutor for CPS North West, said: "Rebecca Joynes is a sexual predator. Joynes had a duty to teach and protect children but instead, she exploited her role to groom and sexually abuse schoolboys, leaving a profound impact on their lives."

"The CPS worked with Greater Manchester Police to build a strong case to put before the jury, including eyewitness testimony, phone evidence showing the messages sent by Joynes and CCTV footage. I would like to thank the victims for supporting the prosecution. Joynes will now face the consequences of her actions."

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