What does Labour's manifesto tell us about what Keir Starmer's government would do for Wales?

Labour leader Keir Starmer holds a pledge card with his and Vaughan Gething's joint photo on the front. Sir Keir is standing in front of a red background
-Credit: (Image: PA)

Labour has launched its manifesto ahead of the general election. The document is the party's pitch for votes, breaking down what it promises to do if it gets into power following the July 4 vote.

In it Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has set out his plan for "change" promising to "restore hope" , "end the Conservative chaos", "turn the page decisively" on Conservative ideas, and "rebuild our country". The bold offer also includes details about what a government led by Sir Keir would do for Wales.

Thanks to devolution Wales has its own law-making body in the form of the Senedd, or Welsh Parliament, and its own government, which is currently led by Welsh Labour leader Vaughan Gething. This means Wales has full control of certain policies and public services including health, education, local government, transport, and speed limits.

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But Wales has fewer devolved powers than Scotland or Northern Ireland with our policing, welfare, and justice system still controlled by the UK Government. Westminster also controls the military, immigration, most taxes, benefits and pensions, as well as how much funding it gives the Welsh Government for its responsibilities

We've taken a deep dive into Labour's manifesto and what its key pledges are for Wales if it comes into power. Try WalesOnline Premium for FREE by clicking here for no ads, fun puzzles, and brilliant new features.

Protecting and expanding Welsh devolution

In the manifesto Sir Keir talks of protecting devolution in Wales, devolving more services, and fostering collaboration between Cardiff Bay and Westminster to deliver Labour's national missions. He accuses the Conservatives of having "failed" Wales and says Labour will serve the nation with a plan that "matches" the ambitions of the Welsh people.

He adds: "Labour recognises that the Welsh Fiscal Framework is out of date. We are committed to working in partnership with the Welsh Government to ensure the framework delivers value for money with two Labour governments committed to fiscal responsibility."

The manifesto adds that as "part of the strategic review into probation" Labour "will explore the devolution of services to enable them to be more locally responsive", adding: "We will work with the Welsh Labour Government to consider devolution of youth justice. In line with our commitment to devolve employment support in England, Labour will devolve employment support funding to the Welsh Government."

Sir Keir also promises Labour will "champion Wales across the world" by harnessing the UK's diplomatic and trade networks to promote Welsh culture, promises, and services. "With Labour, the Wales Office will once again become an advocate for Wales at home and abroad and facilitate closer collaboration between our governments. The Wales Office will ensure on issues under the competence of the UK government the voice of Wales is properly heard." For the latest Welsh news delivered to your inbox sign up to our newsletter.

Elsewhere he promises Labour will "restore decision-making over the allocation of structural funds to the representatives of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland", adding: "The planned investments in public services outlined in this manifesto by a UK government will result in additional funding for Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland."

New 'Council of the Nations and Regions'

Should he become Prime Minister Sir Keir promises to set up a new body for collaboration between himself and the heads of devolved nations. "As recommended in the Report of the Commission on the UK’s future, we will establish a new Council of the Nations and Regions. This will bring together the Prime Minister, the First Ministers of Scotland and Wales, the First and deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland, and the Mayors of Combined Authorities," he says.

Speaking generally of devolution in the UK he accuses the the Conservatives of "disrespecting" the devolved governments and vows to "reset the UK Government’s relationship" with them. He says he will "ensure members of devolved legislatures have the same free speech protections enjoyed by MPs at Westminster, so elected representatives can hold power to account".

He also says Labour will strengthen the Sewel Convention so the nations can "work together for a common good". The convention, which the UK Government has followed since 1999, means the UK Parliament "will not normally legislate with regard to devolved matters without the consent” of the devolved legislatures.

He adds: "The next Labour government will also ensure that UK-wide bodies are more representative of our nations and regions. UK trade negotiators will work with devolved governments to promote our fantastic businesses and services internationally."

Vaughan Gething
Labour pledges to create a new 'Council of the Nations and Regions' which would include Welsh Labour leader Vaughan Gething -Credit:Getty Images

Major rail reform

Labour pledges to "overhaul Britain’s railways", claiming passengers, businesses, and taxpayers have been "failed" by the Tory government. The establishment of the state-owned Great British Railways is a key aspect of their manifesto and Sir Keir says it will deliver "a unified system that focuses on reliable, affordable, high-quality, and efficient services" as well as "safety and accessibility."

He also speaks of Labour's wider commitment to renationalising the UK's rail services. "[GBR] will be responsible for investment, day-to-day operational delivery and innovations and improvements for passengers, working with publicly-owned rail operators in Wales and Scotland," the manifesto reads. "Mayors will have a role in designing the services in their areas. There will be a duty to promote and grow the use of rail freight. Open access operators are an important part of the rail system and will have an ongoing role. Labour will also create a tough new passenger watchdog, focused on driving up standards."

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Noting the importance of "local power generation" Labour's manifesto pledges that it will deploy "more distributed production capacity" through its Local Power Plan. It adds that its planned renewable energy investment body, Great British Energy, "will partner with energy companies, local authorities, and co-operatives to install thousands of clean power projects, through a combination of onshore wind, solar, and hydropower projects. We will invite communities to come forward with projects, and work with local leaders and devolved governments to ensure local people benefit directly from this energy production."

The party adds that its proposed national Warm Homes Plan will "offer grants and low-interest loans to support investment in insulation and other improvements such as solar panels, batteries and low-carbon heating to cut bills". It says it will "partner with combined authorities, local and devolved governments, to roll out this plan".

Policing, justice, and prisons

Claiming that neighbourhood policing has been "eroded", Labour pledges to introduce its new Neighbourhood Policing Guarantee, which would bring thousands of police officers to town centres with communities given a named officer to contact when things go wrong. "These new recruits will be paid for by tackling waste through a new Police Efficiency and Collaboration programme for England and Wales. The programme will set nation-wide standards for procurement and establish shared services and specialist functions to drive down costs," the manifesto says.

The manifesto also focuses on violence against women and girls saying it has been "ignored" for "too long". It pledges: "With Labour, there will be specialist rape and sexual offences teams in every police force. The most prolific and harmful perpetrators will be relentlessly targeted, using tactics normally reserved for terrorists and organised crime."

It also vows to tackle prosecution rates for rape which it describes as "shamefully low with many victims dropping out of the justice system when faced with years of delays". It vows: "Labour will fast-track rape cases, with specialist courts at every Crown Court location in England and Wales." Elsewhere the party says its fiscal plan includes appointing "legal advocates to provide free legal advice and support to rape survivors across England and Wales".

Sir Keir also claims prisons are in "crisis" in England and Wales with overcrowding, lack of space, delayed sentencings, and early releases. He vows: "Labour will act to reduce reoffending. We will work with prisons to improve offenders’ access to purposeful activity, such as learning, and ensure they create pre-release plans for those leaving custody."


Noting that four million children now grow up in a low-income family Labour has vowed to "develop an ambitious strategy to reduce child poverty" and to work "with the voluntary sector, faith organisations, trade unions, business, devolved and local government, and communities to bring about change".

The manifesto adds: "We will take initial steps to confront poverty by introducing free breakfast clubs in every primary school, protecting renters from arbitrary eviction, slashing fuel poverty, banning exploitative zero-hours contracts, and improving support to help people get into good work".

What has Welsh Labour said?

Welsh Labour has called the manifesto a "bold offer for Wales" that gives it a greater say of its future. Leader Vaughan Gething said: "For 14 long years we've been swimming against the Tory tide with a government in Westminster that disrespects devolution. This election is about the change Wales and Britain needs. And the UK Labour manifesto sets out a bold offer for Wales. With Jo Stevens as our secretary of state for Wales, and Keir Starmer in Number 10, I'm confident of Wales' place in a changed Britain. That change can only be secured by voting Labour on July 4."

Labour's shadow secretary of state for Wales Ms Stevens said: "Our manifesto will guarantee a stronger Wales in a changed Britain. We will sweep away the chaos and division and deliver the ambitious future Wales deserves. Two Labour governments, working together, will build a new partnership for Wales focused on people’s day-to-day priorities. The Tories have taught us to expect less from our UK governments, to expect less for ourselves and our families. Labour’s manifesto is the antidote. It is a promise to turn the page, rebuild hope, and deliver change.”

And the opposition?

Andrew RT Davies MS, leader of the Welsh Conservatives, said: "Labour has let down farmers yet again. While people in the agricultural sector fear for their livelihoods because of the Welsh Government’s Sustainable Farming Scheme Labour’s tiny farming section in their manifesto shows their lack of commitment to our rural communities. The Welsh Conservatives stand shoulder to shoulder with our farmers.” On Labour’s pledge to consider devolution of youth justice Mr Davies added: "Talk of devolving more powers is just another distraction from Labour who are more obsessed with empowering their own ministers in Cardiff Bay than they are with empowering the people of Wales.”

Meanwhile Plaid Cymru’s Westminster leader Liz Saville Roberts said: “The people of Wales are getting increasingly tired of Labour’s lack of ambition for our nation. Exploring’ and ‘considering’ simply won’t cut it when the challenges facing our economy and public services are so huge. Plaid Cymru is pleased that our manifesto is being published on the same day as Labour’s. Putting both side by side the gulf could hardly be greater when it comes to fighting for Wales’ best interests. I urge everyone to bear in mind Keir Starmer’s snub to Wales on July 4 and to vote for Plaid Cymru as the only party who truly cares about our communities."