Dog owner slams police and warden response to Fallin attack

The incident took place in Fallin's Farm Road on April 26
The incident took place in Fallin's Farm Road on April 26 -Credit:Google

A man who says his puppy was attacked by a larger dog in Fallin has criticised the response from police and the council warden.

The incident took place on the afternoon of Friday, April 26 in the village’s Farm Road when Paul Bird’s wife and nine-month-old Rottweiler puppy were out walking.

Mr Bird told the Observer: “The dog was coming around the corner and initially it looked like a beautiful beast, but it suddenly made a lunge and we thought our dog was a goner at that point.

“Two men helped out by kicking it and then a woman opened her door and the dog went away.

“But my wife was left pretty shaken from the effort to fight it off and our dog was injured as well.

“We called the emergency dog warden, but we were told they only operated Monday to Friday, nine to five, and we also called the police, but they never arrived until the Saturday afternoon.”

His dog had minor injuries but did not require any vet treatment.

Members of the public were reportedly involved in helping fight off the dog but Mr Bird believes the incident was not treated with the urgency that the incident required.

He added: “We know the breed of dog can be aggressive towards other animals, so they should have come out on the Friday night and put it somewhere safe and then they could deal with the fallout afterwards.

“There were witnesses to the incident but someone clearly decided that it was not an urgent case for whatever reason.”

A Stirling Council spokesperson added: “Once this incident was logged with our Animal Control Team, an officer contacted the customer to confirm this was a matter for Police Scotland under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

“We continue to regularly liaise with Police Scotland about dog control and any concerns raised about this in our communities.”

In response, a Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 4.45pm on April 26, 2024 we received a report of a dog having been attacked by another dog in the Farm Road area of Stirling.

“A 52-year-old man was charged in connection with offences under the Dangerous Dog Act. A report will be sent to the Procurator Fiscal.”