Dog owners warned to watch out for 'deadly' substance following death of puppy

Algae floating on water surface of a canal
Blue-green algae is highly toxic to dogs -Credit:Getyy Images

With Scotland's weather turning warm and sunny, many dog owners will be taking advantage of the clear skies to get out and play with their pooch.

However, warm conditions encourage the production of a natural substance which is deadly to dogs that owners should be aware of. The warning comes after a couple learned this the hard way, after an encounter with blue-green algae tragically caused the death of their new puppy.

Last year, Roo the Cocker Spaniel took ill after a walk at Anton Lakes in Hampshire, England, where it is believed that the substance, which is found in freshwater bodies like lakes and ponds, was present. At the time, the situation sparked a warning from the local council to keep pets away while authorities ran tests.

The bacteria produces toxic chemicals that are very harmful to the health of people and animals, according to the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (UKCEH). It is known to produce in warm weather, making the spring and summer months prime time for spawning.

Owner Hannah May Washington told WiltshireLive that after taking Roo to the lake for his daily walk in April 2022, little did her and boyfriend Jordan Shearman know that they would be returning without their beloved puppy.

They said: "We have taken Roo to the lakes many times before, but not so much recently, and did notice that a lot of the areas he would usually swim, was incredibly dirty, much more so than normal, so we didn't spend so much time swimming in those areas, however he did jump in briefly for a lot of them."

Hannah May Washington and Jordan Shearman with their dog Roo
Hannah May Washington and Jordan Shearman with their dog Roo -Credit:Hannah May Washington/Jordan Shearman

Anton Lakes is a popular dog walking spot situated just north of Andover in England and has both a river and lake within its nature reserve. The walk seemed to be going completely fine until the young couple noticed towards the end of their walk that Roo's eyes became a little droopy.

Regarding blue-green algae, UKCEH says: "They are particularly a health risk during warm summer months when their concentrations increase in the water to form blooms and scums on the surface. This can look like green or turquoise wispy paint, green scum or clumps of green particles."

The couple said: "We figured he had gotten too much water in his eyes so we decided to end the walk and return to the car."

On the way home, Hannah says they knew straight away something was wrong. Roo was extremely agitated, and struggling to stand up so they rushed him to Strathmore Veterinary Clinic.

"While in my arms, Roo began to have fits, struggling to breathe, foaming at the mouth. It was the worst experience of my life having to hold him, speaking to him, telling him mummy and daddy loved him," she said.

In the 15 minutes the journey to the vets took, Roo had become pale, and was not breathing on his own. His heart stopped beating and he unfortunately passed away at around 7pm.

Hannah said: "Our worst nightmare had officially happened, our precious, young, baby Roo had lost his life, so suddenly. Me and my partner are only 23 and 24, and we have just celebrated a year in our first home together, and a year with what can only be described as our first child in Roo.

"He was everything in our lives, quite literally. Our lives, our habits, our plans revolved around our lovely pup, and so I can't even begin to describe the pain we are in."

The couple want to share their story as a warning to all dog walkers in Andover, that Anton Lakes is potentially dangerous and to avoid that location until further notice.

Cllr Phil North put out a message to residents last May to warn dog owners of the council's suspicions. He said that they had received a report of a dog sadly passing away and asked locals to "please keep dogs out of the water".

In an official statement, leader of Test Valley Borough Council, Councillor Phil North, previously said: "As a fellow dog owner, I was extremely saddened to hear about Roo's passing following a walk at Anton Lakes.

"Although no cause of death has been confirmed with the council, following feedback from the vet we are taking a precautionary approach and are working with the Environment Agency to test the water for blue-green algae.

"This algae occurs naturally in bodies of freshwater but can be potentially dangerous to people and their pets. We are hoping to receive the results of the tests by the end of next week, and while we await the outcome, we are recommending that people and pets stay out of the water.

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