Donald Trump Jr Removes Mask to Pose With Children During Panama City Beach Rally

Donald Trump Jr., son of US President Donald Trump, removed his mask to pose with children during a rally in Panama Beach, Florida, on October 8. The rally was held after his father and others in the White House tested positive for COVID-19.

Donald Trump tested positive for coronavirus and was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. He returned to the White House after three days at Walter Reed. As of October 8, 34 people, identified as White House staffers and contacts, had tested positive for COVID-19.

Footage of the event, taking place at a Holiday Inn, shows Donald Trump Jr posing with children and surrounded by a crowd, many without facial coverings.

Other video from the indoor rally shows the venue packed with supporters. Storyful could not confirm if there was a social distancing protocol in place for the event. Credit: Nikita Harris via Storyful