Donation enables OA students to dive into podcasting

May 16—Oldenburg Academy has announced that a donation from local podcaster Larry Reidy is ushering in new experiences for its students.

Reidy, who welcomed Oldenburg Academy seniors on his podcast this year, recently donated podcasting equipment to the school. This generous contribution to the Student Media class will allow students to produce high-quality audio content from any location and to share their voices with a larger audience.

Under the guidance of teacher Jason Walke, Oldenburg Academy plans to integrate the equipment into its curriculum by launching a student-run podcast that will highlight OA seniors' high school experiences and their plans and long-term goals.

These individual episodes will then be curated and archived. In 10 years, the episodes will automatically be sent to each student, providing a nostalgic glimpse into their past.

"I am very grateful for Mr. Reidy's donation," Walke said. "This equipment will allow our students to expand their creativity and learn about another form of media. The project students are using them for now has been insightful and fun, and I can't wait for these students to receive an email 10 years from now with these podcast episodes on them!"

Oldenburg Academy extends its sincerest thanks to Reidy for his donation.

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