Doncaster Sheffield Airport latest as reopening plans take next step

Holidaymakers on their way in to Doncaster Sheffield Airport
-Credit: (Image: LDRS)

The next steps to reopen Doncaster Sheffield Airport (DSA) have been approved by the council.

At a meeting on Wednesday (June 19), the Doncaster Council cabinet heard a report detailing the timeframe around the council's plan to secure an investor to reopen the airport. This comes after DSA was closed by its owner, Peel Group, in 2022.

Since then, the company has agreed to lease the site to a new investor who would then take over operations. A leasehold agreement was signed by Doncaster Council with Peel Group earlier this year.

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Now, the council is working to secure a new investor. In the new report, the council shared that investors had submitted their bids and investment plans to the council earlier this week.

There will now be an "intense period of evaluation" in which the council will work to identify the best of these proposals. This process is set to conclude at the end of July.

Afterwards, the chosen investor will be informed in late July or early August, and Mayor Ros Jones will announce the decision to the public shortly afterwards.

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A period of necessary legal processes will then take place, followed by the submission of a formal business case to the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority. Following approval, the investor will sign a contract to take over the site in September.

According to Mayor Jones, "considerable progress" is being made on the South Yorkshire Airport City Plan, which aims to reopen the site with a surrounding hub of investment. Cabinet members unanimously supported the plan and next steps going forward.