Donkey Sanctuary in West Country closes to visitors

The Donkey Sanctuary in Ivybridge has temporarily closed its doors to visitors and is facing the threat of permanent closure alongside three other sanctuaries due to financial challenges. The Devon-based charity, which also operates sites in Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, and potentially scaling back in Belfast, has initiated a consultation process regarding the closures, although their main Sidmouth location will remain unaffected.

The charity's leadership explained that the potential shutdowns are part of an effort "to make best use of our donors' money and to ensure we continue to achieve our core mission of improving the welfare of donkeys in the UK and around the world". Currently, 57 employees are at risk of redundancy, with 11 positions under threat at the Ivybridge site.

A spokesperson for The Donkey Sanctuary stated: "We are committed to redeploying as many staff as possible. Details will only be known after the consultation is concluded., as reports PlymouthLive

At present, the sanctuary in Filham Park, Ivybridge, is home to 21 donkeys. The spokesperson assured: "If closures do go ahead, we are confident that all donkeys can be safely relocated to a new home suited to their individual needs."

A statement on the Ivybridge Donkey Sanctuary website read: "The Donkey Sanctuary is proposing the closure of four of our Donkey Assisted Activity (DAA) centres in Manchester, Ivybridge, Birmingham and Leeds, and for Belfast to become a small sanctuary and rehoming centre. This is subject to a consultation process, which begins the week commencing May 20."

"The changes are being proposed to ensure we can continue to deliver our core mission to improve the welfare of donkeys in the UK and around the world. Throughout the consultation period, all centres involved will be closed to visitors and we will be in touch with all those who have booked visits. Our main site in Sidmouth, Devon, remains open to visitors. ".

The Donkey Sanctuary was established in 1969 by Elisabeth Svendsen in Devon and gained charity status in 1973. It has since grown to become one of the largest equine charities globally, with an annual income and expenditure of £37m.

Its headquarters are located at Slade House Farm, in Sidmouth, from where the charity manages international operations worldwide. The charity has cared for more than 14,500 donkeys in the UK and Ireland.