'Don't Worry Darling' received mixed reviews at Venice Film Festival. Here's what critics said about 'dud' Harry Styles and 'poised' Florence Pugh.

Florence Pugh in the trailer for "Don't Worry Darling."
Florence Pugh in the trailer for "Don't Worry Darling."Warner Bros. Pictures
  • "Don't Worry Darling" premiered at the Venice Film Festival on Monday.

  • Despite the drama surrounding the film, critics agreed that the movie isn't as bad as expected.

  • IndieWire said that Florence Pugh had one of her "best performances" in "Don't Worry Darling."

Critics agree that "Don't Worry Darling" isn't as terrible as expected, but it falls short of being a great film.

Don't Worry Darling Venice Film Festival
The cast of "Don't Worry Darling" at the Venice Film Festival premiere of the film.Stephane Cardinale - Corbis / Corbis via Getty Images

"It's also plausible that Wilde, who gave us the extremely likable, if slight, 2019 comedy 'Booksmart,' is capable of making a handsome-looking and reasonably engaging movie that's somewhere between a disaster and a triumph." – Little White Lies

"If 'Don't Worry Darling's' back story has become the year's most appalling Hollywood train wreck, the movie itself, to some relief but also some disappointment, is nothing of the sort. Wilde's failure here is primarily one of imagination. Her movie is competently acted, handsomely crafted and not half as disturbing as it wants to be. It's nothing to worry about." – Los Angeles Times

"Don't Worry Darling" is so clearly, so obviously not set in an idyllic '50s community that to say the film packs a twist is not a twist at all. It's disingenuous, easy, cheeky — much like the film itself, which starts off strong before crumbling into baffling storytelling choices made worse by the revolting intentions behind them." – IndieWire

"Hearing all the rumors of a troubled set, of actors falling out with the director, one might have expected a cacophonous, cobbled-together catastrophe. If only. The film is smooth, competent, (mostly) well-acted, and merely tedious." – Vulture

"All that scandalous hubbub is more scintillating than what actually happens onscreen in the twisty and visually striking but fairly flat psychological thriller." – USA Today

The critics agreed that Florence Pugh was the standout star of the film. Pugh plays Alice Chambers, a 1950s housewife who starts to realize something is not right in her community.

Florence Pugh in a dress
Florence Pugh is a rising star after her performances in "Little Women," "Midsommar" and "Lady Macbeth."Warner Bros./New Line Cinema

"The 26-year-old Oxford-born actress has been earmarked as a next big thing since 2016's 'Lady Macbeth,' and in this she graduates to fully fledged movie star – poised, glamorous and bogglingly beautiful, yet also emotionally right beside you, and lifting every scene with sparklingly smart choices." – The Telegraph

"Within this framework, Pugh does nervousness and terror well, and she makes Alice's gathering anxiety as convincing as it can be, even if the script fails to give her all that many interesting things to do." – Vulture

"Pugh, like she's done with 'Black Widow,' 'Midsommar' and others, continues to make everything she's in better – and, boy howdy, it's needed here as the plot grows more convoluted." – USA Today

"With her finely calibrated mixture of ferocity and doubt, Pugh grounds the film as a woman who won't be gaslit but may find that the alternatives are even worse. It's her movie..." – The Wrap

Critics say Harry Styles, who plays Pugh's husband, Jack, struggles to keep up with his costar.

Harry Styles in "Don't Worry Darling."
"Don't Worry Darling" is Harry Styles' third movie appearance after two small roles in "Dunkirk" and "Eternals."Warner Bros.

"Pugh has precious little to do as Alice, who is less a character and more a series of strung-together cliches, but her hardest challenge is performing opposite the vacant Harry Styles, whose acting is so stiff and self-conscious it's impossible to take him seriously, much less believe this is a character capable of the things eventually revealed in the film's comically predictable twist." – Little White Lies 

"Alongside such prowess, the 28-year-old Styles can't help but look outclassed. But the former One Directioner is far from embarrassing – and in the end, his half-suave, half-gawky, never entirely convincing performance chimes with the film's showpiece twist in some fun if presumably unintended ways." – The Telegraph

"Styles is cute, but a dud. Everything he does on-screen practically evaporates from one scene to the next." – Time

"The weak link, unfortunately, is Styles, who is not without talent, but who fails to give Jack the dimensionality or inner conflict that the character clearly needs, especially in light of where the movie ultimately goes." – Vulture

"What is convincing is how easily Styles sheds his pop-star flamboyance, even as he retains his British accent and takes over one party scene by dancing as if he were in a '40s musical. There's actually something quite old-fashioned about Styles. With his popping eyes, floppy shock of hair, and saturnine suaveness, he recalls the young Frank Sinatra as an actor. It's too early to tell where he's going in movies, but if he wants to he could have a real run in them." – Variety

"Styles has already taken (warranted) grief for an accent that's all over the place, and his Jack is also a bit of a nonfactor for much of the runtime, though he gets more to do after the Big Reveal." – USA Today

Some critics also praised Chris Pine for his performance as community leader Frank. However, they say he was underutilized.

Chris Pine in the trailer for "Don't Worry Darling."
Olivia Wilde said his character is based on Jordan Peterson, a conservative speaker who is popular with the incel community.Warner Bros. Pictures

"Pine is terrific, nicely judging the slow slide of Frank's sunny carpe diem shtick into full-blown incel toxicity, and slickly pinning down one of the film's central themes: how easily and often women's misgivings are dismissed as paranoia by the very males who later prove them well-founded." – The Telegraph

"As Victory's revered leader, only Chris Pine seems interested in and able to face off with Pugh, to go toe-to-toe. However, the film cuts off their contentious relationship after a handful of pulse-pounding scenes. Another missed opportunity among many." – IndieWire

"The lack of chemistry between Pugh and Styles is another disconnect – her dynamic with Pine, albeit antagonistic, is far more effective and not explored nearly enough." – USA Today


Some critics said that the brilliant costumes, score, and set helped immerse audiences in the world of "Don't Worry Darling."

Olivia Wilde, Nick Kroll, and Chris Pine in the trailer for "Don't Worry Darling."
Olivia Wilde, Nick Kroll, and Chris Pine in the trailer for "Don't Worry Darling."Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

"It's certainly an eye-catching setup. Arianne Phillips' retro-chic fashion-spread costumes and Katie Byron's swanky midcentury-modern sets (Palm Springs, California, is the direct reference) are a glossy visual feast, even if there's a hint of Ryan Murphy-style art-directorial excess." – The Hollywood Reporter

"Infinitely better than the script and majority of performances are 'Don't Worry Darling's' craft elements – particularly John Powell's score and Arianne Phillips' costume design – but these aren't enough to prevent Wilde's sophomore feature from feeling riddled with sci-fi cliches, and undercooked in conception." – Little White Lies

"More frustrating is that the film also offers stunning craft work, a wonderfully immersive quality, and one of star Florence Pugh's best performances yet. Too bad about the rest of it." – IndieWire

Critics tease a big twist in the film's third act, however, there are mixed reviews on how effective it is.

Florence Pugh with her hands raised in the trailer for "Don't Worry Darling."
Audiences find out that all is actually not okay in the suburban community Victory.Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

"There's an M. Night Shyamalan-style twist that's much better than nearly every Shyamalan twist, save perhaps the one in 'The Sixth Sense.'... The biggest problem with 'Don't Worry Darling' is that it ends in the wrong place: This could have been a reasonably effective dystopian chiller, but it takes a sharp swerve into feminist triumph that feels patched-on and facile." Time

"The inevitable Big Reveal that occurs when Alice makes a break for it is somewhat novel, though it doesn't really hold water, like a 'Black Mirror' episode that should have been sent back to the writers' room for another pass or two." – The Hollywood Reporter

"Ultimately, 'Don't Worry Darling' goes for a fairly familiar twist — a revelation that will likely have already flitted across many viewers' minds as they watched the movie. But the explanation weirdly winds up being one of the strengths of the film, because Wilde brings to it enough captivating grisliness that the twist effectively reframes most of what's come before." – Vulture

"But it does have a big twist, which I will, of course, not reveal. I'll just say that it's a blend of 'Squid Game' and Shyamalan, that it wants to spin your head but may leave you scratching it..." – Variety

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