Downing Street: Rishi Sunak "could confront" about Ukraine war at G20

Rishi Sunak, backed by British allies, could use the upcoming G20 summit to “confront” Vladimir Putin about the war in Ukraine, Downing Street has said.It is not yet clear whether the Russian leader, who has faced unanimous condemnation by Western leaders for the invasion of Ukraine, will attend the meeting in Indonesia later this month.Mr Sunak will travel to the G20 in Bali in one of his first major global outings as prime minister after briefly attending the Cop27 climate summit in Egypt on Monday.The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “The Prime Minister is of the view that it would be right that collectively with our allies we confront any Russian official … who attends the G20 about their ongoing illegal war and use the same messages we have been using in one voice for so many months now.”