Download Festival organiser says there have been 'zero issues' with traffic thanks to big changes

Andy Copping says 'radical change' has made a difference to the running of the festival this year
-Credit: (Image: Derby Telegraph)

Lessons learned and big changes meant the arrival of more than 35,000 people at Download Festival almost went unremarked on the roads around Donington Park. Fears that last year's traffic chaos could continue this year were lifted after "significant radical changes" were implemented.

To be fair, last year's event was exceptional as it was the 20th anniversary, held over four days and attracted more than 100,000 people. Download XXI, as it has been advertised, is an altogether more regular annual affair with an expected 75,000 - 90,000 people with most of them camping, held over three days.

But festival booker Andy Copping said: "There was no doubt last year there was accessibility issues, traffic issues and it was important to get fresh eyes on the situation and resolve it. I bought a company in called Far and Beyond, headed up by Jess Shields who comes from Castle Donington. Many of the team had worked Download before.

"So it was a case of them coming in and using their knowledge sorting out solutions and a new system and I think they have achieved that without question. There have been zero issues with traffic. On Wednesday, we had 35,000 people arrive, in fact, we opened up two hours early at 10am because we were ready and people were waiting.

"Then on Thursday, another 45,000 - 50,000 arrived at camp and the rest arrived on Friday. It was an easy flow getting people in and we have had no complaints."

Changes have included adjusting where the campsites and parking are around the area to spread them out more. Mr Copping said: "We wanted to make sure accessibility was right because it is important to us. Last year we had several accessible campsites and this year we have pulled them into one and we were able to do this by altering other sites."

On Saturday, Download lived up to its somewhat unfair reputation of always being wet. Friday's showery weather gave way to a prolonged downpour on Saturday morning and torrential rain again, accompanied by thunder and lightning later in the afternoon. The forecast is for better weather over the rest of the weekend.

Mr Copping said: "The past two years have actually been glorious and the pilot festival in 2021 wasn't bad either. Obviously, the site has become muddy in parts but we have put straw and bark down."

District X, as the onsite village has become known, is one of Mr Copping's proud achievements. It is open throughout the festival and is a favourite retreat to watch comedians, hear more music and see live podcasts. He said: "The entertainment up there is great, it's like a mad massive carnival. It's almost like it's own festival in itself. It will expand year-on-year.

"No-one loves Download like our fans do, the fans love coming here and we have been so lucky with our fans and also the local community in Castle Donington who are so welcoming.

"We are getting new people every year and we have to move with times or go under. The good news is that we have almost signed up our first headlining act for next year. We are working on 2025 and going to aim to make things special for our fans.

"Our fans expect more for their money and rightly so. I am really enjoying this job. The stress is beforehand, once the event starts my job is done apart from minor niggles."

Mr Copping was without his trademark hat which he gave to a charity at last year's event and raised £2,200 from its sale at auction. He said: " I haven't got around to getting another one yet but I was proud the old one raised so much money."

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