Dozens of workers accept voluntary redundancy or early retirement as politician claims people 'sick and tired' of council

Councillor Eddie Devine standing outside Renfrewshire House in Paisley
-Credit: (Image: Andrew Neil)

Dozens of workers at Renfrewshire Council accepted voluntary redundancy or early retirement last year – causing a politician to claim people are "sick and tired" of how the local authority is run.

A total of 74 employees opted to leave as part of the scheme – which was used to deliver annual savings in excess of £3.4 million – in 2023/24. Expressions of interest in voluntary redundancy or early retirement were reviewed to assess the impact of a reduction in staff on services and those who remained.

That's according to a paper to the finance, resources and customer services policy board on Thursday, which also said decisions take into account the "potential to implement efficiencies and support the modernisation" of the workforce.

But Councillor Eddie Devine, who represents Paisley Southeast, has claimed workers are "desperate to go" as he launched a scathing attack on the local authority. He said: "They're just bringing in contractors to do the work. They're letting good, long-serving council workers who know what they're doing leave for cheaper – although it won't be cheaper in the long run – outside private contractors.

"I know there's a great deal of discontent. People can't wait to get out because they're sick and tired of the way the council is being run. They can't get people to stay, particularly in housing, because they're getting poached by nearby councils for more money.

"Most folk that I know, who have left, have left because they've done 25 to 30-odd years and they're sick and tired of it, honestly. The service we are giving to our constituents is awful because they don't have the back-up and experience they used to have.

"People who know the job are leaving. This includes people who are taking voluntary redundancy packages. I've spoken to a few people and they are desperate to go. There's absolutely no doubt the services are getting worse and the cuts are really beginning to have an effect now."

The report confirmed 51 of the employees who left were from environment, housing and infrastructure, 20 from finance and resources and three from the chief executive's service. Council leader Iain Nicolson, who is also an SNP representative for Erskine and Inchinnan, said Councillor Devine had no evidence to support his claims and accused him of "garden fence gossiping".

Renfrewshire Council leader Iain Nicolson
Renfrewshire Council leader Iain Nicolson accused Councillor Eddie Devine of 'garden fence gossiping' -Credit:Renfrewshire Council

He responded: "We have consistently maintained a policy of no compulsory redundancies and continue to identify areas to improve our efficiency whilst maintaining high quality services within our existing budget as we are required to do by law. Renfrewshire Council has always to my memory operated a voluntary redundancy scheme and that includes a previous Labour administration which Councillor Devine was once part of.

"The voluntary retirement scheme allows staff to choose if they want to retire from the council earlier than planned and is only offered to those who are eligible and if it falls within our financial affordability. We are in a competitive employment market and staff frequently move between councils and the private sector for jobs. We see that acutely in our social care sector at the moment.

"The council has always used contractors to deliver specific services which we don’t do in house and I note Councillor Devine doesn't offer up a single piece of evidence to back up his claims. Every elected member knows the task ahead of us is to maintain critical frontline services, the only one who doesn't seem to know that is Councillor Devine.

"I await with bated breath any helpful factual suggestions on our policies rather than his preference of garden fence gossiping."

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