DPS to offer college courses on campus next year

May 7—A new road map to college courses will come to Duncan Public Schools next fall for high school students.

Duncan Public Schools (DPS) will offer college courses through Cameron University-Duncan and its concurrent enrollment program for juniors and seniors.

DPS Superintendent Dr. Channa Byerly said she is excited about the upcoming opportunity for their students.

"It's fantastic that they can now take college courses without having to leave our campus," Byerly said. "Our partnership with Cameron is fantastic. Dr. Kaus and Dr. Dennis, alongside our DPS team have worked diligently to make this happen. Great things are happening at DPS."


Duncan High School Principal Lisha Elroy said they are grateful for Cameron University's partnership and she's excited to offer this new experience for their students.

"What a privilege it is that our students can earn college credit right here on our campus, have it paid for, and still have a traditional high school experience," Elroy said. "This is, without a doubt, a very exciting time for us."

CU-Duncan Director Dr. Dakota Kaus said they are excited to partner with DPS to open up new possibilities for not only Duncan High School students, but also for new growth for Cameron University-Duncan.

"We've always served DHS concurrent students, but maybe there's been some who haven't had the opportunity to take concurrent classes due to transportation or location," Kaus said. "We're hoping that by bringing those classes to their campus all those students who didn't have the opportunity now have an opportunity to take classes right in their high school, which is so valuable and awesome."

Kaus said students will most likely enroll in general education courses.


Kaus said the classes could fluctuate from general education classes like English composition classes, government, United States History and potential electives, such as general psychology, music or theatre classes.

For more information about the classes, DPS and CU-Duncan will host an informational and enrollment meeting at 6 p.m. May 7.