Dr Michael Mosley says diet change helped avoid diabetes medication

Diet and healthy eating expert Dr Michael Mosley has spoken about how he avoided being stuck on medication for the rest of his life when he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The 66-year-old who is well known for his versions of the 5:2 and Fast 800 eating plans was speaking on his instagram page about the transformation - which also launched him on the path to being a food guru.

Dr Mosley said that he managed to lose 10 kilos (1.5 stone) in 12 weeks - and this had the impact of reversing the serious health issue. He said: “When I discovered I was Type 2 diabetic as the result of a blood test I did for TV, my GP wanted me to start medication but I thought there must be something better so I started searching the literature and I came across this thing called intermittent fasting.

“From there, I came up with the 5:2 diet, which involves five days of eating regularly and two of low-calorie consumption. I lost 10 kilos in 12 weeks and reversed my diabetes and have kept the weight off ever since.

“That then evolved into The Fast 800 to create an easy-to-follow programme that helps you lose weight, improve your mood and reduce blood pressure, inflammation and blood sugars. With the fast 800 you can take your future health into your own hands.”

Dr Mosley said that 10 years ago, when he was 56, he discovered he had type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. To try and get his health back on track Dr Mosley started intermittent fasting - using the 5:2 diet approach. He has previously said: “The 5:2 approach is very simple. For five days a week you don’t calorie count. Then for two days a week you cut down your calories.

“You can do this on any two days of the week that suit you, but it is best to be consistent so you get into a pattern. Try consecutive days or you may prefer to split them – whatever works for you. In the original version of the Fast Diet, I recommended men to stick to 600 calories and women to 500, twice a week.

“Going up to 800 calories isn’t going to make that much of a difference, particularly if you go low carb on the other five days.” Dr Mosley suggests adopting a low-carbohydrate Mediterranean-style diet, low in the starchy carbs but packed full of disease-fighting nutrients, healthy fats, fish and quality proteins and plants.