Dr Michael Mosley says popular eating plan is 'absolute nonsense'

Dr Michael Mosley (Photo by Brook Mitchell/Getty Images)
Dr Michael Mosley (Photo by Brook Mitchell/Getty Images) -Credit:2019 Getty Images

Dr Michael Mosley has branded a common eating plan as "absolute nonsense". In an Instagram video, dietary expert Dr Mosley, the man behind the popular 5:2 and Fast 800 eating schemes, spoke about the notion of consuming multiple small meals throughout the day in order to aid weight loss, reports Wales Online.

He said: "Have you heard the idea that you should have lots of small meals, but that will somehow jazz up your metabolic rate? Well, I'm afraid that's absolute nonsense.

"Indeed, in one study, they found that if you had two meals rather than sort of the same calories spread out over four or five meals, then you are more likely to lose weight on the two meals." Rather alarmingly, Dr Mosley warned that having several meals can cause one's blood sugar levels to fluctuate significantly, which is harmful for metabolism.

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He advised: "You don't want to be constantly pumping up your blood sugars and bring them down again. Which is what happens if you have the small, frequent meals."

Further reiterating his stance on his Fast 800 blog, Dr Mosley highlighted: "The average person eats three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For years, we've been told that eating frequent, smaller meals will boost your metabolism; this is, quite simply, a myth. These days, the debate we often see from our community of curious members is whether two meals a day are better than three."

The Fast 800 plan suggests that for those following a time-restricted eating or fasting regimen, starting the eating window later in the day or ending it earlier might be beneficial. The plan notes: "There is no evidence to suggest that skipping an entire meal (eating two each day, rather than three in the same window of time) has either a positive or negative effect on your health, providing the overall calorie intake remains the same.

"However, many people find it easier to eat two meals over three, while on a calorie restricted diet, like The Very Fast 800." It further clarifies that this approach allows for larger, more calorie-dense meals: "when you're eating two meals a day, over three, each meal will be bigger to achieve your daily calorie intake."

Additionally, it can help curb snacking tendencies: "some studies support this by recognising that eating meals less frequently can reduce cravings throughout the day". Lastly, consuming two meals a day can lead to a smaller eating window; for individuals aiming to limit their eating period to 10 or even 8 hours, it's much simpler with fewer meals.

Time-restricted eating involves eating all daily calories within a set timeframe, allowing the body time to rest and repair during fasting periods.

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