Dr Michael Mosley says simple exercise 'anyone can do' burns fat and boosts heart health

Dr Michael Mosley has recommended an easy exercise for people looking to burn calories and increase their overall health. The well-known TV doctor says that, as well as burning fat, the exercise can also help improve your posture, reduce back pain and even boost your mental health.

He is talking about Nordic walking. It is a pastime which became popular in the 1990s when skiers started using it for summer training. It involves using poles and employing a special technique to make sure you are doing it correctly. Once the technique is mastered, experts say, the health benefits are astonishing.

Talking on his Just One Thing podcast, Dr Mosley explained that it burns more calories than normal walking without going any further or faster. So long as you can walk, he says, you can do Nordic walking.

"Nordic walking can help you bur more fat without going any further or faster," he said. "Why? It is probably because when you are striding out, poles flying, you are engaging more muscles. It can also improve your posture and can also help with back pain.


"Using poles actually boosts the intensity of walking, turning it from a walk into a full-body workout. Not only does it up the intensity of the walk, but it can also lead to greater fitness and weight loss than regular walking. Almost anyone can do it. In fact, recent studies showed Nordic walking is actually surprisingly good for people with existing heart disease."

One Italian study took two groups of middle-aged people and made them walk three times a week for six months. Both groups got fitter, but the Nordic walking group reported significant reductions in body fat.

Another study took 80 people with back pain and made them do Nordic walking. After four weeks, the Nordic walking group reported significant reductions in pain and an increase in strength, fitness, and flexibility. Their mental health also went up 23 per cent.

Dr Jennifer Reed, from the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, was also full of praise for Nordic walking after doing research on the topic. She said: "Nordic walking leads to improvements in strength – lower body, upper body and heart muscles. There can also be an improvement in confidence, posture, and speed of walking.

"Nordic walking results in the heart beating faster, greater oxygen uptake and, as a result, more calories burnt while engaged in exercise."


"The technique is important but fairly simple," she continued. "You grip the pole and press down on the ground when you walk. When you finish your stride, you release your hand from the pole and use the straps to pull the pole back up to the starting position."

She said there were plenty of videos online illustrating the 'grip and release technique' and suggested starting with walks of just a few minutes at a time while you master it. Once you have it, she said you can walk from anywhere between 10 and 150 minutes a week.

"Anyone can do it," she said, before adding that it can 'modify your risk of cardio vascular disease by 80 per cent." The NHS website also recommends Nordic walking, saying it is an 'outdoor fitness using special poles to provide an all-round workout and strengthen core muscles'. It can also lead to more vitamin D as people are outside and exposed to more sunlight.