Dr. Sandra Lee Treats Man with Giant Cyst on His Head in Exclusive New Clip of Dr. Pimple Popper

For 20 years, Michael Steen has been hiding something beneath his hat — a giant cyst that has grown exponentially over the past five years.

"I always wear hats," Steen explains in this exclusive clip from Wednesday's episode of TLC's Dr. Pimple Popper, when he goes to Dr. Sandra Lee for help in removing the cyst.

And he's not the only one wearing a hat — when he takes off his own camouflage bucket hat, the round cyst is clad in its own mini fedora.

While Steen said most people wince or express concern when they see his bump, Lee reacted with excitement: "This is the cutest cyst with the cutest little fedora," she says.

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"He doesn't take his hat off!" Steen jokes.

Immediately upon feeling the cyst, Lee guesses that it is a pilar cyst — a type with which she is familiar. "I don't know for sure until we take it off, but it has that feel," she says. "It has a little loss of hair over it."

Lee compares it to a balloon that's being blown up "because it's filling with contents."

Steen can't wait to get rid of it. "Michael is such a fun-loving, wonderful guy, but I do think that it's time for this bump to take its final bow," Lee says.

The process will not be easy. Because the cyst has been growing for years, there is a lot of extra skin covering it. "How am I going to get this extra bit of skin to lie flat on his scalp?" Lee wonders.

RELATED: Woman with 500 Cysts Down Her Body Hoping to Get Relief: 'If She Can't Help Me, I Will Cry'

But Dr. Pimple Popper is not one to shy away from a challenge. "We're gonna have some fun!" she tells Steen. "And hopefully we'll be able to take this off successfully without any issues."

Before the procedure, Steen reflects on the time he's spent with his cyst. "My bump has been there for 20 years and I'm ready for it to come off," Michael says. "I'm anxious to go into this procedure. I'm excited, scared, I'm everything. I'm all of it at one time."

Dr. Pimple Popper airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/8 p.m. CT.