Drinker repeatedly slashed with chisel as row erupts outside Meir bar

Professional burglar David Lovatt slashed a man with a chisel after a row outside a city pub. The 50-year-old lunged at his victim and lashed out at him nine times before others stepped in and stopped the assault at Swifty's micro bar in Meir.

Now Lovatt, who also burgled two businesses, has been jailed for 50 months at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court. Prosecutor Elizabeth Power said police were called to Swifty's in Weston Road just before midnight on July 16 last year.

Miss Power said: "The officer arrived. He saw the victim drunk but not incapable. He was out with his friend and had entered the bar to try and get another drink. He explained that someone had attacked him with a knife for no reason."

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Officers later studied CCTV. Miss Power said: "It showed the defendant in the foyer of the bar. The victim was seen to talk to him. They went outside together. They squared up to each other.

"The victim moved away and the defendant was seen removing a weapon from his waistband. He assaulted the victim with the weapon, a chisel. He was seen to lunge and lash out, nine times in total. Others intervened to stop the assault and the defendant left the scene."

The court heard the victim had a 20cm slash wound to his right arm, a wound to his left side and three cuts to his back.

After Lovatt left the scene he committed a burglary at Brick Fabrications in King Street, Longton, in which he stole designer glasses and cash, worth about £200. He also damaged a window which cost £300 to repair.

Lovatt was detected after leaving his blood at the scene. He had committed another burglary, at J &R Hill Fireplaces in Whittle Road, Meir, about a month before, on June 8. He used an angle grinder to try to access the safe. And he stole £200 from a metal money box and caused £350 damage.

Lovatt, of Mollison Road, Meir, pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm, two charges of burglary and possession of an offensive weapon.

Paul Cliff, mitigating, said the burglary at Brick Fabrications was opportunistic. He conceded Lovatt has an unattractive record.

Recorder Robert Smith said the assault was persistent and nasty and the weapon was 'highly dangerous'. He said: "You raised the stakes by producing a concealed weapon and slashing him with it. It was a cowardly thing to do.

"You are an experienced, professional burglar. At the age of 50 it really is time to find proper, gainful employment and move on with your life."

The judge made a deprivation order for the chisel.

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