Driver hit by car in road rage incident at motorway junction

Police are appealing for information about a road rage incident on the sliproad near Junction 16 of the M4 <i>(Image: Google Maps)</i>
Police are appealing for information about a road rage incident on the sliproad near Junction 16 of the M4 (Image: Google Maps)

Road rage incidents on the M4 near Swindon ended in one driver trying to hit the other with their car.

Police received reports of two encounters involving a black Peugeot 108 and a grey VW Golf that happened at around 8.30am on Friday, June 7.

One took place during a journey between junctions 15 and 16 and then another happened on the slip road coming off the busy motorway.

Officers are appealing for any witnesses who could help with their investigation to get in touch as soon as possible.

A Wiltshire Police spokesperson said: "Both vehicles parked on the chevrons on the left-hand side of the road by the junction with the traffic lights at the top of the slip road, before the Golf was reportedly driven at the driver of the Peugeot, clipping her leg causing bruising.

"If you saw these vehicles or have any information about the incident please contact Wiltshire Police on 101 quoting reference number 54240067564.

"Alternatively, you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."