Drivers who don't have 'two hands' on wheel at risk of £1,000 fine

Drivers risk fines for driving one-handed under strict Highway Code rules. Motorists who fall foul of the Highway Code rules could be served with harsh financial penalties - with some of the regulations and restrictions including having to drive two-handed.

Rule 160 of the Highway Code says: "Drivers must drive or ride with both hands on the wheel or handlebars where possible. This will help you to remain in full control of the vehicle at all times. You may use driver assistance systems while you are driving.

"Make sure you use any system according to the manufacturer’s instructions." Rule 60 adds: "Drivers should be aware of other road users, especially cycles and motorcycles who may be filtering through the traffic. These are more difficult to see than larger vehicles and their riders are particularly vulnerable.

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"Give them plenty of room, especially if you are driving a long vehicle or towing a trailer. You should give way to cyclists when you are changing direction or lane – do not cut across them." Drivers are also told to "select a lower gear before you reach a long downhill slope" and "when towing, remember the extra length will affect overtaking and manoeuvring."

On TikTok account @ClearviewDriving explained: “Did you know that you can adjust your steering wheel column and it can go up, down, in and out? So this is usually located underneath the steering. Using your thumb pull this down and then the wheel can be adjusted up or down or in and out depending on where you need it.

“Once you're happy, be sure to lock this back into position. So when adjusting the steering wheel you want to make sure that you can see over the top of the steering and your wrist touches the top.” Clearview Driving added: "That’s a bit of a stretch. I'm going to move it out slightly so that’s a bit more comfortable.

“Lock it into position and then my hands rest on the sides.” Failure to have proper control of vehicle or full view of the road and traffic ahead means a £1k fine.