Drivers face 'mandatory' refresher course over little-known Highway Code rule

Highway Code changes could lead to "mandatory" refresher courses with many drivers still unaware of rules. Experts have said motorists and drivers should be reminded of the "hierarchy" of road users amid a supposed lack of awareness.

John Kushnick, Legal Operations Director at National Accident Helpline, commented on the changes and how more needs to be done to ensure roads are safe. Speaking to GB News, he said: “Regular reviews and updates to the Highway Code ensures that it remains relevant and responsive to evolving road conditions and user behaviours.

"Road safety is paramount so if there is a need for updates to enhance it, then these should be updated. However, more needs to be done to ensure these changes, or new rules, are effectively communicated and understood by all drivers and road users."

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51 per cent of drivers are unsure of the changes and whether they have actually made a difference to road safety, the RAC found. And one in three said pedestrians were facing even greater danger at junctions since the measures were introduced.

The expert continued, saying: "Perhaps a targeted awareness campaign or mandatory refresher courses could help bridge this gap in knowledge. Also, technological solutions, such as mobile apps or digital platforms, could be used to disseminate information more efficiently.”

On its website, the government warns: "The hierarchy places those road users most at risk in the event of a collision at the top of the hierarchy. It does not remove the need for everyone to behave responsibly." The hierarchy came into force back in 2022.

There is updated guidance for people cycling about positioning themselves as well as those overtaking and people who cycle at junctions too. It added: "The Highway Code is essential reading for everyone. It’s updated regularly, so it’s important that everyone reads it - not just learner drivers.

"Many of the rules in the code are legal requirements, and if you disobey these rules you’re committing a criminal offence. If you do not follow the other rules in the code, it can be used in evidence in court proceedings to establish liability."