Drivers make feelings clear and 'deface' cameras over new UK speed limit

Drivers are demanding an urgent law changes after motorists moved to deface a series of 20mph speed limit signs across Wales. Two signs in Llanrhos, near Llandudno, in Conwy, signs have been defaced eight times since the 20mph speed limits were introduced last September.

Natasha Asghar MS, Shadow Transport Minister, said: “Whilst vandalism is never the right approach, this latest story highlights the frustration that the people of Wales feel towards Labour’s 20mph speed limit. This policy is slowing Wales down and is forecast to hit the Welsh economy by up to £9billion.

“The Welsh Conservatives would scrap the Labour Welsh Government’s speed limit scheme, adopt a targeted approach, and get Wales moving again.” Transport Secretary Ken Skates said back in April: "We’ve started by listening. I have been clear in all my conversations that we will put communities at the heart of our thinking and will listen to people.

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“As I have already said there is growing consensus on safe speeds in communities that we can build from. We continue to believe 20mph is the right speed limit in places such as near schools, hospitals, nurseries, community centres, play areas and in built-up residential areas.

“The principal objective of the policy is to save lives and reduce casualties on our roads." A spokesperson for Conwy Council said in a statement this week: "Damaging traffic signs is classed as criminal damage and we have made the police aware of the issue.

"Vandalising signs can put road users in danger." In September 2023, approximately 7,700 miles of urban and village roads across Wales saw their speed limit reduced from 30mph to 20mph. Over 30,000 road signs were either erected or modified at a cost of £32m.

While the review is underway, Aberconwy MS Janet Finch-Saunders has called for enforcement in new 20mph zones to be suspended.