Drivers hit out at 'worst parking ever seen' as cars left outside Birmingham mosque

Cars parked on Poets Corner roundabout at Small Heath.
-Credit: (Image: SWNS)

Furious motorists have hit out after cars were recklessly left on a bustling city roundabout outside one of the UK's largest mosques while worshippers celebrated Eid-al Adha.

Thousands of Muslims flocked to Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif in Small Heath, Birmingham, for celebrations earlier today.

However, images show how scores of worshippers triggered traffic mayhem by abandoning their vehicles on one of the city's busiest roundabouts.

Eyewitnesses reported at least one crash and several near-misses as drivers tried to reverse off the Poet's Corner roundabout into oncoming traffic.

Despite the vast number of illegally parked cars, it's thought that no parking fines were handed out throughout the morning.

Simon Gutteridge, 40, who was attempting to get to work when he got caught up in the chaos along the A45 Small Heath Highway, said it was a 'miracle nobody was badly hurt or killed'.

The engineer, from Newtown, Birmingham, expressed his disbelief: "I just couldn't believe my eyes. People were parking absolutely anywhere and seemed oblivious to the danger they were causing."

"I've seen some bad parking at football matches and concerts but never anything like this - it was crazy and caused absolute gridlock around the area."

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"People were reversing the wrong way around the island and directly into traffic. They just plonked their cars on the roundabout like it was a genuine parking space."

"It was a miracle nobody was badly hurt or killed to be honest - that is one of the busiest roundabouts in Birmingham along a major commuter route."

Another motorist, who chose to remain anonymous, shared: "There was at least one collision as somebody reversed off the roundabout and lots of near-misses."

"I could not see one single car had been given a ticket or anything like that. It was extremely dangerous."

"It could be the worst parking I've seen anywhere in the UK - I was just baffled that so many people thought it was fine."

"One or two cars you could understand but there was about 20 of them on the roundabout alone as well as just abandoned on nearby streets."

Cars parked on Poets Corner roundabout at Small Heath. -Credit:SWNS
Cars parked on Poets Corner roundabout at Small Heath. -Credit:SWNS

West Midlands Police said it was collaborating with the council to address the problem.

A spokesperson added: "We're aware of ongoing issues with motorists parking on the roundabout on Small Heath Highway. Local officers are working with Birmingham City Council to tackle the problem."

Cars parked on Poets Corner roundabout at Small Heath. -Credit:SWNS
Cars parked on Poets Corner roundabout at Small Heath. -Credit:SWNS

They added: "Where traffic offences such as highway obstruction are seen by officers, we will issue tickets."

Central Jamia Mosque Ghamkol Sharif and Birmingham City Council have been approached for their comments.

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