Drivers are only just noticing pedestrian crossing sign you should take extra care of

You should be extra cautious if you spot the below sign while driving -Credit:Getty Images

How much do you rate your driving knowledge?

Even those who think they have encyclopaedic knowledge about road signs may struggle to identify this one. That's because the signage has been causing quite the stir on Reddit.

The image shows a man walking across the road with a blue background, which is a fairly bog-standard pedestrian crossing sign. But the big difference was the sign placed beneath.

This one showed an illustration of a black pair of glasses against a white background. And it's this part of the sign you should take extra care about.

Reddit users were left speculating as to where the sign was from, with some suggesting it was either Russian or from a former Soviet nation. The Redditor revealed the photo was taken in Ukraine, before jokingly adding: "Watch out for John Lennon lookalikes trying to recreate the Abbey Road cover."

Thankfully though, some driving buffs were on hand to share the real meaning behind the quirky road sign.

The top comment on the post said: "Pedestrian crossing. Warning, they may be blind." Another added: "Top sign pedestrians crossing and the plate with the sunglasses means blind people so meaning blind pedestrians are crossing the road."

A reason why many of us haven't seen this road sign before is that it differs in the UK and other parts of the world. In the UK, we use a triangle showing elderly people crossing, with a sign beneath that reads "Blind People".

Meanwhile, the US has a blue rectangular sign depicting a blind person walking with a guide dog. And, where necessary, some countries like New Zealand add an extra sign to crossings with the word "blind".