Drivers warned of cheapest time to fill up on petrol or diesel in summer

Koehler Urges Higher Gas Prices
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A fuel expert has sounded the alarm on the most cost-effective and the priciest times to top up your vehicle with petrol.

With the price of petrol and diesel remaining staggeringly high - typically between £1.40 to £1.50 per litre for petrol and even higher for diesel - motorists are looking for every possible way to cut down on fuel expenses. As the UK braces for another bout of warm weather this month, drivers should consider how the rising temperatures could impact their fuel tanks.

Gordon Wallis from Your NRG, a fuel specialist, dispels the myth that evening is the best time to fill up your car. Contrary to popular belief, he advises that the optimal times for topping up with petrol or diesel are actually in the very early morning or late at night, reports the Express.

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He explained: "A common misconception is that filling up your car late in the evening when temperatures are cooler can save money because fuel is denser. While small changes in fuel volume due to temperature can affect fuel efficiency, the difference is usually very small and can only save pennies per fill-up, though it can add up over time for careful drivers."

"It's a good idea to fill up your petrol tank during late evenings or early mornings because fewer people buy fuel, so the prices are lower. Drivers should try to avoid filling up during midday or after 5 pm when most people are done with work as queues can quickly form."

However, those who habitually only fill their tank halfway are unlikely to see significant savings. As per Gordon's explanation, the additional fuel does add a small amount of weight to the car, but this increase is negligible.

He further added: "Filling your car's tank completely does add weight, but it's a small amount typically less than 5% of the car's total weight, so the difference in fuel efficiency between a full and half-full tank is likely to be minimal and you might not see much change at the forecourt."

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