Driving expert shares game-changing method to open car boots much more easily

Businessman with headset driving car
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Even though many of us have been driving for years, we don't know everything about our cars.

Each vehicle has different warning signs, functions and buttons that you need to learn. And one that many are totally unaware of can make opening car boots a lot easier.

Driving afficionado @master_driver666 posted some useful information about this onto her TikTok page, where she boasts mote than 730,000 followers.

The self-declared 'Master Driver' asked fans: "Do you know the hidden functions of the car trunk?" She then asked viewers to "come and see", before providing them with a handy demonstration.

She added: "If your trunk opens like this, wrong so wrong! To put your suitcase in, you need to lift the trunk with your hands, only then can you put things in. What a hassle."

Showing viewers how to speed up the process, she recommended: "Peel off this interior fabric, do you see it? This has a spring, the spring corresponds to three small holes. There is a first gear, second gear and third gear.

"Now this spring is mounted on the first gear, let's adjust it to third gear. Hold the spring in your hand, just pull it gently like this, pull it to third gear."

When you've completed the above steps, it's time to refit the fabric and replicate on the other side too. Finishing up the video, Master Driver added: "Okay adjustment completed, now let's see the effect, it bounced on its own."

Her clip has proven very popular on TikTok, where it's left many rushing to give it a go themselves. One commenter gushed: "Love you girl! Learned so much from you!" Another wrote: "Girl you rock!" And a third user responded: "Thanks for the tip, I definitely learned so much."

We do have some words of warning though – as not all cars have the adjustment feature. Some may also find their vehicles spring open automatically, so they won't actually need to follow any of the steps.