Drone Footage Captures Beautiful Sand Art on Santa Cruz Beach

Drone footage captured a striking piece of sand art in all of its glory at Sunny Cove in Santa Cruz, California, on November 21.

Footage filmed by Alekz Londos shows the artwork, which features piles of sand of different sizes arranged into a geometric circle.

“I heard a couple [of] women started creating the artwork on the beach and then a couple [of] men to joined them, after that more people joined them and it turned into this creation,” Londos told Storyful.

“From what I understood they built it yesterday. It is nothing more than piles of sand in a systematic order,” he said.

Londos added that he has seen a lot of sand drawings at that beach, having lived in the neighborhood for 32 years, but he has never seen anything like this piece of art.

“It had everyone in our town talking about it, a lot of people showing up just to check it out and take pictures of it,” he said. Credit: Alekz Londos via Storyful