Drug addict moved into her dad's bungalow, spent his benefits, hit him and left him with no food

Kendra Gibson previously pictured outside Teesside Magistrates' Court
-Credit: (Image: Teesside Live)

A homeless drug addict who moved into her dad's one-bedroom bungalow, made his life "miserable."

Kendra Gibson, 44, was initially welcomed by her father, who was happy for her to sleep on the sofa as a temporary arrangement, in 2019. But Gibson began taking drugs in the bungalow and demanding cash to buy them from her dad, who is in his late 60's.

Teesside Crown Court heard that once Gibson found out her dad received his benefit payment every Wednesday, she stole his bank card and spent his money. Her father fell behind on his bills and rent, being left without money to buy food, and became reliant on eating at friend's houses.

Gibson even stole her dad's prescribed medication and took it herself. When he tried to stop her, Victoria Lamballe, prosecuting, told the court that she told him to "f*** off." Gibson pushed and hit her dad, who began spending all of his time in is bedroom watching TV.

"He became too scared to challenge her," Ms Lamballe said. "There was no food in the cupboards and clothes were all over the floor."

Social workers began visiting once it was noted that Gibson's father was at risk of eviction because of his rent arrears. The court heard that Gibson was "verbally abusive to them." But during a visit in the summer of 2022, Gibson's father told them he was staying out of his house "several nights a week."

The social worker reported a decline in his appearance and noticed that he was wearing the same clothes every day. "Previously he had taken pride in his appearance and had had an active social life," Ms Lamballe said.

Social services contacted police and Gibson, formerly of Parliament Road but now of no fixed abode, was arrested in May 2022. Initially she denied what she had done - saying that her father had made up "a pack of lies," before she pleaded guilty to controlling and coercive behaviour.

She has 33 previous convictions, for 66 offences, which include assault, and theft. When the family court issued a non-molestation order, to protect her dad, she breached it by turning up at his home three times.

Teesside Magistrates' Court heard that Gibson has dyslexia, and couldn't read the paperwork sent to her, about her non-molestation order.

Kendra Gibson
Kendra Gibson -Credit:Cleveland Police

Gibson's father declined to give a victim statement.

In mitigation, Tom Bennett said that whilst Gibson had initially "had some difficulties accepting her culpability in this case," she now accepted responsibility. "She was very polite when I met her," Mr Bennett told the court. "The difference is that she's been on remand in MP Low Newton for four months- away from the drugs and alcohol. She is remorseful for her actions. She will need multi-agency support when she leaves prison."

Judge Nathan Adams: "Your father initially allowed you to stay with him. But for three years you made his life miserable. You threatened him. You left him without food. He became withdrawn. It is patently apparent from the evidence that you abused your father repeatedly. Once social services became involved, the police intervened to rescue your father from your behaviour.

"The pre-sentence report found that you accept no responsibility for your actions. You say it's a pack of lies your father has made up. I'm told today that you finally accept your actions. I hope this is true and not said for the purpose of mitigation."

Gibson was jailed for 15-months. She will serve half of the sentence, less the time she has spent on remand. She was made the subject of an indefinite restraining order, banning her from contacting her dad.

Five months ago, Gibson walked out of Teesside Magistrates' Court after stealing £220 worth of pyjamas from M&S and some shoes from Primark. She was captured on CCTV leaving her shoes on a shop display, before trying to leave in a pair of new shoes.

She hit a manager when she was confronted and threw a pen at another Primark employee. A second pair of stolen shoes were found in her bag.

A week later on January 15, Gibson was in Wilko's trying to steal £500 worth of make-up. A "tug-of-war" broke out between her and a staff member, when she was confronted, and Gibson used her fist in a "hammer strike" on the staff member, who lost his grip on her.

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