Drug Suspect Fleeing in Red Bathrobe Nabbed by English Police
A drug suspect was caught on camera trying to flee from English police in a highly visible red bathrobe during a “huge” bust in Manchester, in which 24 alleged drug dealers were arrested on Tuesday, May 14.
Twenty-two men and two women, aged between 18 and 45, were arrested at 23 addresses across Manchester on charges of being involved in the supply of Class A Drugs, Greater Manchester Police said in a press statement.
They added that the bust was the culmination of a six-month undercover operation codenamed “Vulcan,” and that £10k cash, hundreds of bags of drugs, and “crucial” phones and sim cards had so far been seized at the raided premises.
“This was a huge operation, using almost 300 officers from across the force, various covert tactics, and specialist resources from across the region," said Detective Sergeant Matt Donnelly.
“I can confidently say we have dismantled and disrupted several different county lines and local drug networks,” he added.
The footage released by Greater Manchester Police shows the barely clothed suspect dashing from a residence on Kenchester Avenue and flipping himself over a number of garden fences, before finally being apprehended by police officers. Credit: Greater Manchester Police via Storyful