Drunk being arrested outside pub spat at police and tried to bite them during racist rant

The most serious incident Hirell was sentenced for took place in Charles Street, Leicester
The most serious incident Hirell was sentenced for took place in Charles Street, Leicester -Credit:Google

A man racially abused police officers and tried to bite them during a night out drinking in Leicester city centre. Shaun Hirell, 39, appeared at Leicester Magistrates' Court on Thursday to be sentenced for charges resulting from three separate drunken incidents.

In the first, he was outside a pub in Charles Street when he tried to bite Leicestershire Police officers restraining him, and spat at two officers, hitting one in the face. The court was told that when they got him into the back of a police van, he threatened an officer and made racist comments to him, telling him: "I'm going to kill your wife. I'm going to **** your mum and **** you up."

He was charged with two assaults on emergency workers, battery of an emergency worker and two counts of making racially-aggravated threats, but he failed to turn up at court for a hearing after the incident in July 2022 and was found guilty in his absence. Sentencing was postponed.

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Hirell was next arrested on Sunday, August 13, 2023, during a 4.30am disturbance in Granby Street, when he shouted racist abuse at members of the public while he was being arrested. In relation to that incident, he admitted racially-aggravated threatening behaviour.

Then, on Saturday, September 23, he was arrested while drunk again and taken to Euston Street Police Station in Leicester. In the police van he boasted about being a member of the IRA, called the police "dirty English ********" and hurled racist abuse at a Muslim officer.

Peter Bettany, prosecuting, told the court: "He described himself as a 'big man' who could 'run any prison' he was sent to."

Due to the September incident, Hirell was jailed for breaching a suspended sentence for another crime. He was released from prison in November last year.

Raza Sakhi, representing Hirell, of Radstone Walk, Rowlatts Hill, Leicester, said his client, a father-of-three, had stopped drinking since the incident, and was not a racist, having three dual-heritage children himself. Mr Sakhi said: "The simple solution would be to send Mr Hirell to prison but I'm going to ask you not to do that.

"He drinks too much, gets loud, uses extremely flowery language. He's angry, he's upset, and the way he vents is by abusing everyone - white, black or Asian."

He said Hirell, who is on benefits, had bipolar disorder, ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depression. He said Hirell also had a tumour for which he was currently being treated.

Chairman of the magistrates Rachel Udein, giving him a suspended jail sentence, told Hirell: "Some congratulations are due your way because it seems you are doing very well. But we have to deal with this.

"What you did was horrible, but the fact you're dealing with it is to your benefit. You won't go to prison today, but if you do anything else in the next two years you will go to prison."

Hirell was given a 22-week prison sentence, suspended for two years, and ordered to pay £100 each to the two officers he abused, £400 towards court costs and £154 victim surcharge.

Hirell told the magistrates: "I appreciate the second chance. Thank you."