Drunk Manchester City fan 'urinated over police officer' after being kicked out of St James' Park

Anthony Mott pictured at Newcastle Magistrates' Court.
Anthony Mott pictured at Newcastle Magistrates' Court. -Credit:ChronicleLive

A drunk Manchester City fan "urinated" over a police officer in the back of a van after being kicked out of St James' Park.

Anthony Mott had travelled up to the North East to watch his team take on Newcastle United in the Carabao Cup on September 27 last year. But due to his drunken state, the 46-year-old was ejected out of the ground before the match had even started.

Mott then made his way back to Central Station where he decided to vent his frustration at the officers in the British Transport Police office. Despite the officers telling him it was Northumbria Police he needed to speak to, he continued being abusive. His behaviour then got increasingly worse.

This week, Mott, of Park Lane West, Salford, appeared at Newcastle Magistrates' Court facing charges of being drunk and disorderly, criminal damage, obstructing a police officer, and assaulting an emergency worker. He pleaded guilty to the offences.

The court heard that shortly after 9.30pm, Mott was "intoxicated and shouting at officers" at the British Transport Police (BTP) office in Newcastle Central station after being ejected from St James' Park. Stephen Davies, prosecuting, said: "The officers said it would be Northumbria Police who dealt with that. The defendant continued to swear at officers, talking about time wasted in coming to the match."

Anthony Mott pictured at Newcastle Magistrates' Court.
Anthony Mott pictured at Newcastle Magistrates' Court. -Credit:ChronicleLive

Despite officers trying to calm him down, Mott began kicking a door in the office, before he was arrested and put in "limb restraints". During the arrest, he "resisted" before being put in the back of a police van.

Mr Davies said that Mott was then taken to the Royal Victoria Infirmary due to his "condition and behaviour". There were also concerns Mott was having a "medical episode". Mr Davies continued: "At the RVI it was clear he was drunk. He was kicking out at an equipment trolley and had to be restrained again.

"He was put back in the police van and began urinating in the van, which went over equipment and had to be cleaned. [He had also] urinated over a police officer, [making contact] with clothing and skin." The court heard that Mott had admitted he had drank seven pints of lager and cider before being kicked out of the ground.

Mark Humble, defending, told the court unemployed Mott had been on an away day to watch Manchester City play Newcastle United on the day of the offences. He said: "He was drunk. He got inside the ground but before a ball was even kicked he was told to leave. He is not sure why he was told to leave, but he cooperated and left.

"He made his way back to Central Station, but instead of trying to get home, he felt so aggrieved he knocked on the BTP office and asked for an explanation. He wanted the officer to come down and apologise for throwing him out of the ground."

Mr Humble added: "He did urinate in the van. He had told the officer he needed to go to the toilet - he couldn't wait any longer."

Magistrates ordered a pre-sentence report to be put together and adjourned the case. Mott will be sentenced at Manchester Magistrates' Court on May 29.