Who are the DUP Westminster power brokers and what price will they demand?

With no party holding an overall majority in the House of Commons, the Democratic Unionists are emerging as power brokers in propping up a Tory minority government.

Northern Ireland's largest party, which returned 10 MPs to Westminster, has said any deal to support Theresa May would be unlikely to extend beyond a confidence and supply arrangement.

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:: May: I'll lead the country at this critical time

DUP leader Arlene Foster said she had spoken to the Prime Minister and her party would enter discussions with the Conservatives "to explore how it may be possible to bring stability to our nation at this time of great challenge".

Sky's Ireland correspondent David Blevins said: "If they're going to squeeze out some concession from the Tories, is that concession going to frustrate Sinn Fein to the point where the prospect of devolution disappears and there is direct rule from Westminster again in Northern Ireland - with the potential of that direct rule being imposed by a Tory government shored up by the Democratic Unionists.

"You really couldn't make it up."

Jeffrey Donaldson, the DUP's chief whip, has said the hung parliament "puts us in a very strong negotiating position".

But what does the party stand for and what is it likely to demand to enable the Tories to form an administration?

:: Brexit

While it campaigned to leave the EU, the DUP is keen to maintain a "frictionless border" with the Irish Republic, because of the commercial benefits it brings.

The party's leader Arlene Foster has spoken out against a "hard Brexit", which could threaten this, and so will almost certainly make this a red line.

The party also called in its manifesto for an "appropriate support programme" for Northern Ireland farmers after Brexit.

EU agricultural subsidies are worth about £350m a year and so a guarantee on this could form a part of any deal at Westminster.

It also called for a "fair share" for Northern Ireland from dividends from leaving the EU.

:: Gay rights

The party has repeatedly blocked moves to make same-sex marriage legal in Northern Ireland and the views of some members on LGBT rights have sparked controversy.

While insisting it is safeguarding the "traditional" definition of marriage, opponents brand the DUP's stance as homophobic.

:: Abortion

The DUP has opposed laws to make abortion more freely available.

:: Environment

The word does not appear at all in the party's manifesto and in 2008 the DUP appointed a climate change sceptic as environment minister.

:: Tax

While wanting to maintain close links with the UK, the staunchly pro-union party wants the power to reduce its cooperation tax rate to at least 12.5%, in line with the Republic.

:: Pensions

The DUP backs the continuation of the "triple lock" on retirement payouts, which the Tories had proposed to ditch.

:: Benefits

It has also pledged to "resist any assault" on universal benefits such as the the winter fuel allowance, which the Conservatives also wanted to curb.

:: Defence

The DUP supports the renewal of the submarine-based nuclear deterrent, in common with the Conservatives.

It is critical of the historical investigations of deaths during the Troubles, which it argues have been "disproportionately against former police officers and soldiers". It branded it a "one-sided approach" which "only serves those who want to rewrite the past".

:: Orange Order Parades

The DUP has called for a "new start" on the holding of controversial parades, arguing there has been an "exclusion of Orangeism from ever greater areas of public space".